Paul Joy
September 28th, 2009, 03:27 AM
All shot with the EX1. There's lots more info on my blog.
European Bike Week 2009 - Austria | Paul Joy (
Andrew Gyles
October 8th, 2009, 01:18 AM
Hi Paul, I admire your work in all of the Harley Bike Week videos you have kindly posted in this forum. The image quality looks superb. I think the EX1 must be very suitable for this kind of 'outdoor documentary' videography, one reason being that its depth of field is not too shallow.
An interested viewer of a documentary wants to see everything that is going on in the scene, and this is not possible if only the face of a human subject, or the front part of a motor bike for example, is in focus.
I also think you do a great job of photographing all of these videos by yourself, and then editing and marketing them to your client. In the worst-case scenario, if you failed to deliver the goods (through equipment failure, for example) you might have to try to pacify a few thousand angry bikies! The gentleman encased in a silvery suit of armour and sitting bolt upright on his Harley Davidson looked rather formidable!
I would have liked to see longer glimpses of the different people and machines, but appreciate that those are reserved to your paying clients.
Andrew Gyles
Paul Joy
October 8th, 2009, 02:19 AM
Thanks for the nice comments Andrew.
Yes, the EX1 is very well suited to this job, in fact more so than the EX3 would be as many of my shots in these videos require the camera to be held at arms length, over my head, down low or out of a vehicle.
Equipment failure is obviously a worry for any cameraman that works alone, my workflow ensures that each days footage is secured before I sleep, but should the camera fail it would be awkward. I don't think the bikers would care to be honest, they are way too busy having a good time, I would be annoyed though, and I doubt my client would be very pleased!
I do have a backup camera though, it's not EX1 quality, but it would get the job done in a push.