View Full Version : dynamic range and noise question

Antoine Fabi
May 17th, 2005, 08:22 PM
I've never tried the new XL2...
Could someone who worked with the XL2 and the DVX100A compare the dynamic range and the noise level between these two cameras.

And could you tell me if you can record rich "filmlike" colors with the XL2.


Pete Bauer
May 18th, 2005, 11:06 AM
I've never used the DVX, so can't offer any comparison. Here's a post with an opinion about color, though:

Hopefully someone who has used the DVX will comment. In the meantime, there are a number of posts you can search for in both the DVX and XL2 forums that comment about the various strengths of the cameras. (There's a quick link to the Advanced Search in my signature block).

The general opinion seems to be that the XL2 is the winner at 16:9. In 4:3, the contest may be a bit closer. Of course, the XL2 is a good bit more expensive.