Jerry Mohn
May 16th, 2005, 09:42 PM
Can any user report a good experience with these pre-packed wedding full page and key aids. Any good 16x9 pacs out there. I have seen some of this stuff and it is cheesy. Some editions are only in spanish. Any real classy timeless stuff or does it all look cheap and cheesy over time no matter what? I am thinking I might have to build my own full page stuff to my specs but just looking for real users excited about the product they are using. Thanks
Peter Jefferson
May 17th, 2005, 08:43 AM
the best of the bunch is digital juice, but i find their juicer conversion program sux the big one.. so i use Canopus Edius Pro3 and literally import the files, run them as transparencies, and then rerender out as uncompressed avis with transparencies in tact, then import for use within vegas..
i use only background layers, overlays and vignettes and maybe some lower thirds..
Theyre not bad.. some are dated.. but not as dated as hollywood fx...
also theyre expensive... too expensive if u ask me..
12inch design are working on wedding templates so that should be a lil cheaper with higher quality CG and frame blends...