View Full Version : Is everyones' Z1 tape mechanism sooo fragile ?

Kurth Bousman
May 16th, 2005, 03:52 PM
Ok - so far I think it's the best camera I've ever shot , owned, or for that matter, probably will ever own . It was so easy to just pickup and shoot. I've got 2 other sonys' and the menu system is instinctively the same. It's absolutely beautiful to shoot and watch the result but... my old hi8 tr3300 had a more robust tape ejection mechanism. Did I just get a frail machine or is this normal ?
...also were you guys and girls surprised at its' size ? I was . A while back someone had a thread about using the new jvc or the z1 for international shoots. In my opinion , the z1 is at the upper limit for size and beauty before those dreaded customs agents begin to ask alot of curious questions and , worse , request economic assistance. thanks Kurth

Mark Grant
May 16th, 2005, 03:58 PM
Seems about normal for a DV machine. It's a long time since I've used an XL1, but I seem to remember that had a similar tape loading mechanism.

David Downes
May 16th, 2005, 05:00 PM
I also wish the Z1 had a more robust tape loading mechanism. Anything that has a label on it that says 'do not push this part' makes me nervous.

Peter Rixner
May 16th, 2005, 05:25 PM
Thats no problem to me. If it was less "fragile" - ok ... but really

It's a fine piece of electronics and mechanics. I treat it like this when changing filters, cleaning the lens, mounting on steadicam, crane and tripod. So also the changing of tape is (at least to me) a careful process.
But i am no action-news-shooter. Maybe thats important, when your into tough business.

Again: Thats no excuse for a less sturdy construction.
I just say, that it's no problem to me.

Peter :)

Douglas Spotted Eagle
May 16th, 2005, 08:04 PM
All DV-tape based mechanisms I've ever seen have this written somewhere on them, or in the manual. It's not just a Sony thing.