Kurth Bousman
May 16th, 2005, 03:52 PM
Ok - so far I think it's the best camera I've ever shot , owned, or for that matter, probably will ever own . It was so easy to just pickup and shoot. I've got 2 other sonys' and the menu system is instinctively the same. It's absolutely beautiful to shoot and watch the result but... my old hi8 tr3300 had a more robust tape ejection mechanism. Did I just get a frail machine or is this normal ?
...also were you guys and girls surprised at its' size ? I was . A while back someone had a thread about using the new jvc or the z1 for international shoots. In my opinion , the z1 is at the upper limit for size and beauty before those dreaded customs agents begin to ask alot of curious questions and , worse , request economic assistance. thanks Kurth
...also were you guys and girls surprised at its' size ? I was . A while back someone had a thread about using the new jvc or the z1 for international shoots. In my opinion , the z1 is at the upper limit for size and beauty before those dreaded customs agents begin to ask alot of curious questions and , worse , request economic assistance. thanks Kurth