View Full Version : Enterprise Over and Out

Imran Zaidi
May 15th, 2005, 02:26 PM
Anyone else think the last two episodes of Enterprise was some of the worst writing in what was probably the worst series finale in the history of TV?


K. Forman
May 15th, 2005, 02:30 PM
I'll definately thought they ruined the last episode trying to link Riker to it. The Andorian epi was sort of rushed, I felt it could have been better.

On the other hand, a few weeks ago they did a Mirror, Mirror spin for a few shows. I thought that was pretty decent.

Keith Loh
May 15th, 2005, 02:35 PM
The last episode was terrible. No wonder Jolene Blalock (T'Pol) was publicly cheesed about it. "Enterrpise" didn't even have a proper sendoff. It was a mediocre episode of "Next Generation" with two actors who can hardly fit into their old uniforms.

It really is too bad. About half of the episodes of this last season were decent to good after Manny Cotto took over. However, by then the trend was too negative to reverse.

I stopped being a true blue Trek fan sometime into "Voyager". I'll miss having 'something Trek' on the tube but then I don't really miss ice hockey after not having a season this year and I thought I would die without having NHL on the tube.

The schedule's already filled by a lot of other space science fiction which have taken up the ball. "BSG", the two Stargate shows, etc.

Imran Zaidi
May 15th, 2005, 06:23 PM
I'm sad to see the franchise end. There's a place somewhere in my heart for the world of Star Trek that other Sci Fi ventures just don't satisfy. In all fairness, most others also haven't had some 40 years of longevity to have developed to that level. Heck, even Voyager never satisfied that part of me even though it WAS that same world. Most of that show felt like this last episode of Enterprise.

Sigh... at least there's the DS9 reruns on SpikeTV that I can catch up on. And then there's the 'untitled Star Trek prequel' on IMDB - whatever the heck that might be.

Yi Fong Yu
May 20th, 2005, 07:59 AM
i'm glad this chapter of trek is finished we Paramount can finally get rid of Rick Berman. it's pretty obvious most trekkies know that he's the man responsible for these arehte voyages as well as all of the horrible star trek mishap and mis-steps along the way. i'd love for the door kick Rick's ass on his way out.

Dylan Couper
May 20th, 2005, 08:40 PM
I didn't hate it.
That's all.

Imran Zaidi
May 20th, 2005, 08:51 PM
I think they might as well have had the Enterprise fall into a space-time distorting wormhole that throws them to a galaxy far, far away, a long time ago. I'll let you guess who they run into there.

It would've been entertaining at least, and some good cross-promotion.

Jack Zhang
May 20th, 2005, 08:51 PM
Anyone else think the last two episodes of Enterprise was some of the worst writing in what was probably the worst series finale in the history of TV?

if you want to see worse script-writing, watch children's programming! (assuming you have kids)

Imran Zaidi
May 20th, 2005, 09:05 PM
Hehe - you don't need to have kids to watch children's programming. I'm actually writing a screenplay for children right now, and frequently check in on kids films and such to get and idea of what I'm up against. Much of it really is drivel. But you'd think Enterprise would be better.

There's always worse writing somewhere. Heck all you have to do is run to the theater and check out Star Wars and listen to Anakin talk to Padme if you want bad writing...

Dylan Couper
May 21st, 2005, 02:04 AM
There's always worse writing somewhere. Heck all you have to do is run to the theater and check out Star Wars and listen to Anakin talk to Padme if you want bad writing...

Damn, you beat me to it.

K. Forman
May 21st, 2005, 09:30 AM
Lets not forget the zombie movies... except Shawn of the Dead ;)

Rob Lohman
May 25th, 2005, 04:20 AM
I cannot really say I liked any of Enterprise. I did watch it, and it was fun to
watch, but it really never grabed me or anything. I really disliked the last
episode and the two-parter with the "Defiant".

One of my major flaws I had with the series is that everything went far, far
too smoothly for the first ship going out and exploring space.

The last two epsiode before the final episode where far better to end the
season / series with in my opinion.

I just can't understand why we need to have this time travelling all over the
place constantly. Every (Star Trek TNG) movie has some form of time
travelling (or cheating death, cheating live, extending live) and both Voyager
and Enterprise use it as a basis for the final episodes as well. Sigh.

Oh well, at least it is a lot better than the reality shows constantly on. Heh.

Joe Carney
May 26th, 2005, 11:48 AM
As far as Enterprise. It got so bad, the only reason I watched was the occasional butt shot of Jolene Blalock, they had a nice long one in the closing moments. Maybe we can look forward to a Playboy layout in the future if we are lucky.
The ending was truly lousy (yuk yuk). Almost as bad as the closing to Voyager.

But if you want to see really really bad writing and acting and cg, check out some of the Trek fan films. I actually wanted to make one until I saw one.