View Full Version : Does anyone have any footage of: XL1s, PD-150, and AG-DVX100?

David Nussbaum
October 19th, 2002, 09:14 AM
but there is a catch... I would preferably shorts using these cameras...because as we all know, using the camera properly will show better results than just filming some people on the street.

EDIT: but something like this works too:

(^^^^^^^ mmm.... if i can make my shorts look like that...looks like i'll need the DVX100)

Frank Granovski
May 31st, 2003, 01:24 AM
As a matter of fact I do have footage from these 3 cams. All 3 of these cameras will do a good job for "filming some people on the street."

Dean Sensui
May 31st, 2003, 06:31 AM

"but there is a catch... I would preferably shorts using these cameras..."

I wear long pants with my XL1 and it seems to work well that way, too... :-)

If you want, you can send me a blank DVD-R and I can copy some material shot with an XL1 to you.

Base Two Productions
PO Box 11183
Honolulu, HI 96828

Dean Sensui
Base Two Productions

Rick Spilman
May 31st, 2003, 11:31 AM
I think starting out shooting shorts is a good idea. Some folks think that you should start at the bottom and shoot socks at first but I think that is getting a bit carried away. Besides if you are really starting at the bottom, then shooting shorts is exactly where you should point the camera. As long as you can tell front from back, you'll be fine.

Now what was the question?