A. Stone
May 11th, 2005, 09:01 PM
Questions for you experienced [Z1] photographers:
In every bright water test I've tried, I've had a hell of a time with proper exposure. Either the subject is exposed and the water is TOTALLY blow-out or, if I expose for the bright reflective water, everything else (namely my subject) is a dark blob.
I have the shutter and gain locked off (gain = low; shutter = 1/60) and typically only adjust the iris. I'd rather not rely on the magical processes in post-production, mainly because I'd like to get a proper shot (plus, I don't know how to do a lot of the more sophisticated corrections). As such, If one were to shoot a subject on brightly illuminated whitewater (specifically a kayaker on whitewater) would you:
a.) expose for the subject and blow-out the whitewater and attempt to correct in post (I've tried this and can't seem to correct the water)?
b.) expose for the bright whitewater, thereby under exposing EVERYTHING else, and again, adjust in post?
c.) use a polarizer
d.) run screaming to the pub in utter defeat?
If a polarizer is the answer (or part of the answer) can anyone suggest a good 72mm bayonet style that will screw onto the Z1? I can't really afford a matte box with all the trimmings at the moment...
Andrew Stone
In every bright water test I've tried, I've had a hell of a time with proper exposure. Either the subject is exposed and the water is TOTALLY blow-out or, if I expose for the bright reflective water, everything else (namely my subject) is a dark blob.
I have the shutter and gain locked off (gain = low; shutter = 1/60) and typically only adjust the iris. I'd rather not rely on the magical processes in post-production, mainly because I'd like to get a proper shot (plus, I don't know how to do a lot of the more sophisticated corrections). As such, If one were to shoot a subject on brightly illuminated whitewater (specifically a kayaker on whitewater) would you:
a.) expose for the subject and blow-out the whitewater and attempt to correct in post (I've tried this and can't seem to correct the water)?
b.) expose for the bright whitewater, thereby under exposing EVERYTHING else, and again, adjust in post?
c.) use a polarizer
d.) run screaming to the pub in utter defeat?
If a polarizer is the answer (or part of the answer) can anyone suggest a good 72mm bayonet style that will screw onto the Z1? I can't really afford a matte box with all the trimmings at the moment...
Andrew Stone