View Full Version : buying new equip *cam and wirless mic*

Eric Stemen
May 11th, 2005, 04:38 PM
Hey, i have a vx-2000 and an azden vhf wr/wm-pro series i mainly use for weddings and shooting poetry readings/plays for a local college. I also use a sony trv-19 as a second cam(the camcorder is not very good at all in my opinion but i bought it off ebay mainly for a dv deck).
Ok so here's the question. I'm thinking about buying a sony hc90 to replace the trv-19 at events anyone know if the sony hc90 will give a signifacantly better image in both low light and detail quality. The progressive feature looks really cool, and i feel that going 16:9 for some parts of events could add a lot. Here's a link to the camcorder

I'm also thinking about buying a uhf wirless mic. maybe this one. anycoments on it, or would i be better saving up more money for a better one?

Glenn Chan
May 11th, 2005, 06:58 PM
The TRV19 was rather good in low light, but than the more expensive cameras in the same line. A newer camera might have a lot worse low light performance, especially with the trend towards higher pixel and smaller CCDs.
(This is from experience with the TRV22, which has analog-digital passthrough and a few misc. features over the TRV19, which uses the same optics and things like that.)

For cheap cameras, the most popular recommendations I've seen are for the Canon cameras with RGB primary color filter (which is kind of like 3CCD). They are generally considered just a little better than the consumer Panasonic 3CCD cameras.

2- Wireless: In the long run, you may spend hundreds of dollars on batteries. A wireless system that operates off AAs or AAAs (i.e. Sennheiser G2) instead of 9V can be a lot cheaper if you consider this. In Canada, 9Vs are around $2 and AAs 50 cents.