View Full Version : Chris Hurd --I 'm having problems

Josh Bass
October 19th, 2002, 01:08 AM
Hey Chris, I noticed several days ago that the fantastic service of having email notification of when my posts had been responded to is no longer working. Is it me? I haven't done anything that can remember that would cause this to happen. Did you make a change to the site that I was unaware of? Help!

Chris Hurd
October 19th, 2002, 08:06 AM
Everybody's having these problems, Josh, but I'm pretty sure it's fixed now. Basically we switched to a hosting company on the West Coast which provides a lot more bandwidth than we were consuming before, which is a good thing. During the move, our community e-mail notifications went haywire and things were kinda twitchy recently, especially yesterday, which is a bad thing.

However, my good friend and server warden Jeff Kramer appears to have wrenched and yanked everything back into proper position now. You may have to get into your user control panel (user cp button at top) and toggle some e-mail settings, but other than that we should be back to normal.

It's all part of the plan.

Jacques Mersereau
October 19th, 2002, 06:03 PM
I was going to mention that issue, but I figured
that Mr. Hurd would set it straight.

You made a good move Chris, as I have been getting
real fast server response. Better than before.

BTW, I love this forum. I have learned more
and gotten some _really good info_ on all kinds
of topics here.

My thanks goes out to everyone who's contributing
to this unique, friendly, and special community.

Josh Bass
October 20th, 2002, 12:13 AM
Yeah, it's all good now. Thanks.