Jimmy McKenzie
May 9th, 2005, 06:07 AM
Ok so far I get the part about how early you have to get up to moderate the forum and how little it pays. And how the latest image and video software costs. Fair enough, but we all gotta pay.
Where the rebus got me was the Las Vegas part? How tall was she?
Anyway, if someone can also begin to decypher the tag code that would be helpful. I think the release date for Canon's next model is buried in there.
Christopher C. Murphy
May 9th, 2005, 06:16 AM
This is Chris Hurd's "Geek Code" decyphered...do I win a free Canon XL3???? :))) I hope he doesn't mind me posting my cracked find!
Oh, and Chris....do you really "get it whenever I want"? LOL!
Chris Hurd's "Geek Code" decyphered:
Dress: d-
I'm usually in jeans and a t-shirt.
Shape: s+:+@
I'm a little taller than most.
I'm a little rounder than most.
Varying wildly on this topic.
Age: a41
I am 41 years of age.
Computers: C++(+)
I range from ...
Computers are a large part of my existence. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is log myself in. I play games or mud on weekends, but still manage to stay off of academic probation.
... to ...
Computers are fun and I enjoy using them. I play a mean game of DOOM! and can use a word processor without resorting to the manual too often. I know that a 3.5" disk is not a hard disk. I also know that when it says 'press any key to continue', I don't have to look for a key labeled 'ANY'.
Unix: U?
I've don't know what Unix is.
Perl: P--
Perl users are sick, twisted programmers who are just showing off.
Linux: L-
I have no desire to use Linux and frankly don't give a rats patootie about it. There are other, better, operating systems out there. Like Mac, DOS, or Amiga-OS. Or, better yet even, would be another free Unix OS like FreeBSD.
Emacs: !E
I don't use Emacs.
Web: W++$
I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.
I'm making money at this.
Usenet: N++(-)
I range from ...
I read all the news in a select handful of groups.
... to ...
News is a waste of my time and I avoid it completely.
Usenet Oracle: ?o
What's the Usenet Oracle?
Kibo: K-
I don't know who Kibo is.
Windows: w
Ok, so I use MS Windows. I don't have to like it.
OS/2: !O
I don't use OS/2.
Macintosh: M?
What's a Mac?
What's VMS?
Politics-Social: PS+
My whole concept of liberalism is that nobody has the right to tell anybody else what to do, on either side of the political fence. If you don't like it, turn the bloody channel.
Politics-Economic: PE-
It's ok to increase government spending, so we can help more poor people. Tax the rich! Cut the defense budget!
Cypherpunks: Y+
I have an interest and concern in privacy issues, but in reality I am not really all that active or vocal.
"Finger me for my public key"
Trek: t+@
It's a damn fine TV show and is one of the only things good on television any more.
Varying wildly on this topic.
Babylon 5: 5?
What's Babylon 5?
X-Files: X+
I've Converted my family and watch the show when I remember. It's really kinda fun.
Roleplaying: R-
Gosh, what an utter waste of time.
Television: tv++(-)
I range from ...
I just leave the tv on, to make sure I don't miss anything.
... to ...
I watch tv for the news and 'special programming'.
Books: b++>
I find the time to get through at least one new book a month.
... but I'd like to be ...
I read the newspaper and the occasional book.
Dilbert: DI++
I work with people that act a lot like Dilbert and his boss.
It's a fun, action game that is a nice diversion on a lazy afternoon.
Geek: G++(-)
I'm a geek of _unknown classification ++(-)_.
Education: e++
Got a bachelors degree
Housing: h---
Married, (persons living romanticly with someone might as well label themselves h---, you're as good as there already.)
Relationships: r+++
Found someone, dated, and am now married.
Sex[m]: y+++
I'm married, so I can get it (theoretically) whenever I want.