Chris Thomas
May 5th, 2005, 07:24 AM
When trying to create the latest disc, I am getting an error at 92% complete, apparently mid way through a scene selection motion menu. It occurs 4.5 hours in... :(
The entire disc uses .avi video imports, with .avi's for motion backgrounds.
I optimized using recommended fit to disc guides.
After I close the error dialog, DVD Architect shuts down.
Here is the error message:
Sony DVD Architect
Version 2.0b (Build 130)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x5C7F50A IP:0x110FE0A
In Module 'dvdarch20k.dll' at Address 0x1000000 + 0x10FE0A
Thread: FileThread ID=0xC14 Stack=0x3E7D000-0x3E80000
EAX=03e7d05c CS=001b EIP=0110fe0a EFLGS=00010202
EBX=0619f7d8 SS=0023 ESP=03e7d020 EBP=00000870
ECX=05c7f508 DS=0023 ESI=03e7d230 FS=003b
EDX=00000065 ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0110FE0A: 88 51 02 8A 50 3F 88 51 .Q..P?.Q
0110FE12: 01 8A 50 3D 88 11 8A 50 ..P=...P
Stack Dump:
03E7D020: 010F4AE4 01000000 + F4AE4 (dvdarch20k.dll)
03E7D024: 03E7D05C 03D80000 + FD05C
03E7D028: 00000870
03E7D02C: 051C96E8 05160000 + 696E8
03E7D030: 0619F7D8
03E7D034: 061A0048 061A0000 + 48
03E7D038: 0619F7D8
03E7D03C: 0619EF68
03E7D040: 05C7F508
03E7D044: 000000B4
03E7D048: 061A0048 061A0000 + 48
03E7D04C: 000000B4
03E7D050: 00000000
03E7D054: 000001E2
03E7D058: 00000B40
03E7D05C: 030001F0 02EC0000 + 1401F0
> 03E7D068: 0110D190 01000000 + 10D190 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D06C: 0110D7B0 01000000 + 10D7B0 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D070: 0110AF50 01000000 + 10AF50 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D074: 0110C5F0 01000000 + 10C5F0 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D078: 0110E5C0 01000000 + 10E5C0 (dvdarch20k.dll)
- - -
03E7FFF0: 00000000
03E7FFF4: 7C3494F6 7C340000 + 94F6 (MSVCR71.dll)
03E7FFF8: 016216B8 01610000 + 116B8
03E7FFFC: 00000000
The entire disc uses .avi video imports, with .avi's for motion backgrounds.
I optimized using recommended fit to disc guides.
After I close the error dialog, DVD Architect shuts down.
Here is the error message:
Sony DVD Architect
Version 2.0b (Build 130)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x5C7F50A IP:0x110FE0A
In Module 'dvdarch20k.dll' at Address 0x1000000 + 0x10FE0A
Thread: FileThread ID=0xC14 Stack=0x3E7D000-0x3E80000
EAX=03e7d05c CS=001b EIP=0110fe0a EFLGS=00010202
EBX=0619f7d8 SS=0023 ESP=03e7d020 EBP=00000870
ECX=05c7f508 DS=0023 ESI=03e7d230 FS=003b
EDX=00000065 ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0110FE0A: 88 51 02 8A 50 3F 88 51 .Q..P?.Q
0110FE12: 01 8A 50 3D 88 11 8A 50 ..P=...P
Stack Dump:
03E7D020: 010F4AE4 01000000 + F4AE4 (dvdarch20k.dll)
03E7D024: 03E7D05C 03D80000 + FD05C
03E7D028: 00000870
03E7D02C: 051C96E8 05160000 + 696E8
03E7D030: 0619F7D8
03E7D034: 061A0048 061A0000 + 48
03E7D038: 0619F7D8
03E7D03C: 0619EF68
03E7D040: 05C7F508
03E7D044: 000000B4
03E7D048: 061A0048 061A0000 + 48
03E7D04C: 000000B4
03E7D050: 00000000
03E7D054: 000001E2
03E7D058: 00000B40
03E7D05C: 030001F0 02EC0000 + 1401F0
> 03E7D068: 0110D190 01000000 + 10D190 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D06C: 0110D7B0 01000000 + 10D7B0 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D070: 0110AF50 01000000 + 10AF50 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D074: 0110C5F0 01000000 + 10C5F0 (dvdarch20k.dll)
> 03E7D078: 0110E5C0 01000000 + 10E5C0 (dvdarch20k.dll)
- - -
03E7FFF0: 00000000
03E7FFF4: 7C3494F6 7C340000 + 94F6 (MSVCR71.dll)
03E7FFF8: 016216B8 01610000 + 116B8
03E7FFFC: 00000000