View Full Version : Infrared capabilities of the DVC30 + AG-YRL30G

Leo Salazar
May 4th, 2005, 09:16 AM
Hello to all,

I will begin production of a documentary on a big inland lake protected as a National Park in my country, Dominican Republic, where spectacular avifauna and crocodiles roam.

I am a biologist and have worked in this specific lake before so I am well aware of the need to be able to shoot footage at night for this production.

Having a DVC30, I have tried the on-camera IR capability and have liked the quality of the footage.

It does not detract that it's B&W at all, resolution is more than good enugh.

Of course the on camera IR covers only about 10 to 15 ft at the most and with the Leica lens only.

I need some help with the decision (or non-decision ... as it is a need) to purchase the -AG-YRL30G Infrared Light-.

Has anyone of you used this accesory..?

I need to know how long a battery will last to judge how many batteries I need, does the (aprox) 100 feet coverage really work..?

Al help and ideas will be most welcome !

Purchase of this accesory will need to be done within 10 days from now and production of the documentary will begin in about 20 days.

Please help if you can.

Thank you


Mark Williams
May 4th, 2005, 10:47 AM
Might want to try the IR illumiantor from Sony. It is a lot cheaper than the Panasonic.;jsessionid=C47WJx3gpQ!-308185192?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=243845&is=REG


Mark Williams