Julia Hangs
May 2nd, 2005, 04:05 PM
I am purchasing the PMD660 CompactFlash recorder and am trying to figure how GB of space on CompactFlash cards relate to time of uncompressed stereo audio. The card manufacturers' websites advertise "up to" times for compressed data but that's not what I need. Is there a rough ratio of 1 min ~= x mb?
Shannon Rawls
May 2nd, 2005, 04:46 PM
1 gig CF card recording 1 channel (mono) of 44.1khz uncompressed .wav audio = 3 solid hours
if you need 2 channels (L + R), you can go for 1.5 hours on a 1 gig card.
This is CD quality and/or field backup standard for dialogue.
Now...if you are recording at 48khz.....i dunno off the top of my head and i'm too lazy to look it up *smile* someone else may chime in. 48khz is field master standard for dialogue.
- ShannonRawls