View Full Version : Tiger and QT 7 updates: proceed with caution!
Boyd Ostroff April 30th, 2005, 06:19 PM Reading the messages on Apple's FCP and Motion support forums, people are finding a number of problems with the latest upgrades to OS X and Quicktime.
Evidently Motion crashes on startup under Tiger. Some people report that reinstalling Motion fixes the problem.
Others are reporting that firewire output no longer works after upgrading to Quicktime 7 under MacOS X 10.3.9.
So if you're in the middle of a project perhaps it's best to wait on these upgrades until the dust settles. Also beware of the software update "gotcha." If you are set for automatic updates (which is the OS X default) it may automatically upgrade Quicktime...
Charles Papert April 30th, 2005, 07:27 PM I tried to update to QT7 (I have the previous version of QT Pro) and it told me that I would have to purchase new keys to upgrade the Pro version--don't remember this happening before?
Kevin Beswick April 30th, 2005, 07:48 PM Actually, it HAS happened before. From QT4 to QT5 they made you pay for Pro again then too. Not too bad really, $30 every other number... So you should be good to go til QT 9 comes out. Compared to most software, spending $30 every two years seems reasonable to me. QT7 IS pretty hot...
Boyd Ostroff April 30th, 2005, 07:54 PM Yes, the last time I upgraded I also had to buy a new key for the pro version. Also, trying to "downgrade" to an earlier version of Quicktime may be difficult after installing the upgrade.
But be sure to confirm everything still works under QT 7. There are a variety of problems being reported with FCP HD 4.5 and QT 7. It would be bad to discover these while trying to finish a project on a deadline...
Charles Papert May 1st, 2005, 02:15 AM Perhaps I didn't notice as it came inclusive while upgrading my FCP.
Rob Lohman May 1st, 2005, 06:35 AM Charles: if you upgraded your FCP it *should* come with a license for the
new QuickTime Pro 7!
Boyd Ostroff May 1st, 2005, 07:33 AM How could you upgrade to FCP 5? According to Apple's website it won't be available for 4 to 6 weeks. Rob: I think Charles meant that he didn't notice the last time he upgraded FCP...
Rob Lohman May 1st, 2005, 07:39 AM That's a good point Boyd! Thanks!
p.s. according to the Apple site the new (as yet unreleased) version of FCP
should come with a key for QT 7.
Charles Papert May 1st, 2005, 11:07 AM thanks for translating my babble (Babel?) Boyd, that's what I was trying to say.
Donie Kelly May 2nd, 2005, 06:50 AM Thankfully I deferred this upgrade as i wanted to see what people would report on this forum. I suspect that Tiger doesn't come with QT7? If it's just $30 then I reckon it has to be done. I presume Tiger has QT7 but not the pro version? Would that be correct?
I'll probably get FCP 5 as the multicam feature looks promising so i'll wait until that is released.
Would there be any issue installing FCP4.5 on top of tiger? Will the bundled version of QT in FCP4.5 screw with the version installed in Tiger?
Peter Wiley May 2nd, 2005, 09:55 AM Mac Rumors ( suggests that there will be updates to Tiger as soon as this week. Also, if you don't know it, check for other up-to-date comments on the upgrade process.
I have QT7 pro and have had a couple of strange things happen -- like the program qutting when trying to save over a file with the same name.
The H264 codec is impressive, though. I posted a sample to this forum.
Kevin Beswick May 2nd, 2005, 09:16 PM Tiger comes with QT7. Not QT7 Pro. Pro costs $30. No OS has come with Pro. Its always been extra. $30 is not an outrageous amount of money to spend when you are in a business that requires almost constant computer, camera, and software upgrades. I bought the "Family Pack" of Tiger for $200 for multiple computers, and two sets of Pro keys for $30 each. Next, I have to upgrade the Production Suite for $500. Yeh, its all expensive, but if you are going to make money in this business, you'd better have the latest and greatest, and QT7 Pro, H.264, and the new Production Suite all seem to be pretty great...
Nigel Moore May 3rd, 2005, 02:52 AM I bought the "Family Pack" of Tiger for $200 for multiple computers...its all expensive, but if you are going to make money in this businessYou may not be aware, but the family pack is for domestic use only:Family Pack Software License Agreement ... does not extend to ... business or commercial users.
Nawaf Alali May 4th, 2005, 12:09 AM If you have OS X 10.3.9 and upgraded to QT7, and you wanna go back to QT6.5, then here's the link:
Quicktime 6.5 ReInstaller (