View Full Version : Loooonnng sequence on P2

Glen Vandermolen
September 25th, 2009, 06:45 AM
Is there a problem with shooting one long scene on P2? I might have to roll for an hour non-stop on an upcoming shoot.
I thoguht I read somewhere that there can be a problem with long video segments.

Barry Green
September 25th, 2009, 09:29 AM
No problem whatsoever. P2 seamlessly stitches clips together. You can record for hours and hours.

TingSern Wong
September 30th, 2009, 08:49 AM
You need two P2 cards for that. Let's say you have slot A and B on your camera (HPX-200) or 4 P2 cards (if you are using HPX-500). You stick in 2 cards into HPX200 and start recording. Sometime later, card in slot A is full - the camera automatically switches over to the card in slot B. You then eject the card in slot A, then, either -

a) Copy the contents of that card into your computer, format the card, then return the card back to the camera (in slot A)

or ...

b) Just stick another empty P2 card into Slot A.

When the camera has finished recording on slot B, it will switch back to record on Slot A. You then repeat the process with the card that you eject on slot B.

John Twigt
October 6th, 2009, 06:12 AM
Same here, no problem whatsoever, recently shot a concert continiously for over 150 minutes (1080 25p) without a break. I shot on 3 x 32 gb and 4 x 16 gb. I have 4 slots (HPX500) and had no problem changing cards while shooting.
In post: copied all folders to one main folder. In FCP I clicked all the content folders and FCP 'stitched all the (spanned) clips into one (giant) clip. Ingesting took a while though ;-)

John Twigt
Workstation BV, Amsterdam