View Full Version : Miller Sticks...which $1000 head?

Dave Frank
April 26th, 2005, 01:54 AM
Hi, I am looking to buy a new tripod system including the Miller SOLO DV sticks. I have been looking at basically 2 heads. The Miller DS-20(20lbs) and the Vision 3(several payloads). They are basically the same price, but I have heard so many good things about the Vision 3 that I wanted to look into it instead of getting a package deal with a DS-20 head.

I use many camera setups ranging from a light DVX100a to a 16lbs XL-1/mini35 setup. Occasionally I will even have to support teleprompters.

Prior to this I have been using a Bogen 501 head, which simply doesn't cut it. I know I am overloading the thing and I need to step it up. Any recommendations for either head? I noticed there are so many different spring options on the Vision 3. And I guess I should just get the 22lb spring.


Dominic Jones
April 27th, 2005, 03:13 AM
I'd try them both with your rigs in a showroom somewhere.

Overloading a head is just as bad as underloading it, so with a wide range of camera weights (as it sounds like you have) perhaps the Vision is a better bet. I've not used a DS-10/20, but Vision heads are certainly excellent.

I'm ff to try out a load of gear soon myself, so I'll let you know what I find afterwards, if you've still not bought...

Dave Frank
April 27th, 2005, 03:33 AM
Thanks Dominic. I am confused by why under-loading a tripod could hurt it. How would using a DVX100a on a Vision 3 head with a 22lbs spring damage it?

I got to mess around with the tripods at NAB, but obviously I didn't have any gear with me. Not to mention the fact that I shoot with payloads ranging from 6lbs to 16lbs.

It seems to be more cost effective to get the DS-20 head which is switchable for different loads(10/20lbs). Unless getting a Vision 3 head with many different springs would be better for some reason. I just don't know.