Derek Grimes
April 25th, 2005, 09:21 AM
Hi. I am very new to the business. I have been editing for a while but have decided to venture out to the shooting side, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.
Right now, I have 2 dv953's and 1 ag-ez1 (both panny's). Should I sell the 953's and get 1 vx2000 (or equiv)? I do not know what the best option is. Should I trade picture quality for the security of a back up camera? Any help is appreciated.
Waldemar Winkler
April 25th, 2005, 05:27 PM
I don't know the 953's, but I am at least aware of the AG EZ1. I opted for Canon over SONY several years ago and am well invested in accessories so the idea of changing (not that I want to) is a big decision.
The EZ1 is similar in vintage to the 2000. If I remember the specs correctly the 2000 is a far more flexible camera. If the 953's are single ship, then I would opt to sell them and acquire a 2100. The 2100 is a moe recent camera based upon the 2000 and you will benefit from its added features. Keep the EZ1 for a while, because it is a three chip camera. However, be prepared to do a lot of color correcting. It is a fact of life when mixing images from cameras of different manufacture...even models of the same manufacture.
Once you acquire your new camera, don't take it on a job (except as back-up) until you have done at least two weeks of testing to learn its unique characteristics.
Peter Jefferson
April 26th, 2005, 12:15 AM
get rid of teh 953s and get yourself a dvc30 to go with ur ez1..
the 953 ccd is too miniscule to get decent results in medium lighting let alone low light..
BUT i have to say my mx500 (pal 953) was one of the first cameras i bought for my business so they do have their uses..
In good light, these cant be faulted..
as a business decision, id say keep the EZ, get rid of the MX's and grab a dvc30, or a second hand dvc80/dvx100