View Full Version : Flicker On Capture

Mike Grohowski
April 22nd, 2005, 10:42 AM
A friend gave me a few tapes that he wants me to edit for him. It's basically a tape about his business and on installation techniques, etc. When I put them into my GL 1 to capture using Final Cut Pro the footage flickered - I guess this is the right term. I put in a different tape and my Canon GL 1 worked find on the capture. BUT then I put the tape in a different Camera and the tape worked fine. I am sure it has to do with the settings that the footage was shot with vrs. the settings on my Final Cut Pro/GL1 setup. My friend didnt shoot the footage - some guy did it for him and the guy isnt around to really ask him the shooting settings. My friend has no clue. Any ideas?


Rob Lohman
April 25th, 2005, 04:08 AM
If I understand you correctly if you put the tape in a different camera it did
work? Then if so, you have found the problem already. Compatability with the
signal on the tape and the GL1. It is a known "problem" that sometimes one
camera can have difficulty reading another camera's signal etc., due to slight
tape alignment differences etc.

There is only one way to capture DV, it either works or doesn't. There are
NO (!!) capture settings when working with simple DV.

Only after the capture can you choose (project) settings like frame rate and
resolution (basically PAL, NTSC and progressive or interlaced).