View Full Version : Removing Trade Marks etc.

Philip Melia
April 22nd, 2005, 08:59 AM
Hi there DVi Community,

Anyone know how to do the thing we often see on TV where people's faces or brand marks on items are blurred to protect anonymity? How might I do this IN FCP HD 4.5?

Looking forward to hewaring from someone.


Steven Gotz
April 22nd, 2005, 09:07 AM
I magine that it is done the same way as in other systems. Add a second copy of the clip and blur or pixelize it. Then use a track matte or garbage matte to overlay the blur over the original.

Philip Melia
April 22nd, 2005, 10:02 AM
Thanks,Steven. Have just tried it and it works perfectly. What a great thing this forum is!

Best wishes.
