View Full Version : Got some NAB2005 video, anyone willing to host?

Zack Birlew
April 21st, 2005, 11:45 AM
Hi, I went around and filmed some various things at NAB2005, including the new JVC and Panasonic cameras. I've got two files, one's high quality at 160mb and the other's at 83.6mb. I have Premeire 6.5 so my compression options are limited =P. I can cut some stuff out if the files need to be smaller just let me know.

I filmed everything on my GL1 with my, I guess I could now call it "ghetto," version of the FigRig wheel. The funniest thing was when I went over to the Manfrotto booth and filmed people trying out the FigRig, I got so many looks with my setup that some people started taking pictures of me. So if anyone sees a picture in a magazine of a young guy with a GL1 with two accessory shoe adapters screwed together at NAB, then that's me =). I got asked so many questions about it and the Varizoom people cracked up about it when they saw me "The Manfrotto guys want $350 for the wheel and this guy's got it for $40! Nice job!"

Zack Birlew
April 21st, 2005, 08:20 PM
Ok, ok, I'm figuring out ways to make the video smaller, can anyone recommend some settings? Obviously the earlier file sizes aren't working.

Brian Alves
April 21st, 2005, 08:41 PM
email or send it to me we will be happy to host it...

Zack Birlew
April 21st, 2005, 10:48 PM
Ok, I've been forced to send the clips to you through Outlook Express. AOL, MSN, and Yahoo keep messing up on me during file transfer. I hope I'm sending things right. If not, then this thread should be deleted since my dumb connection is messed up >.<.

Alex Filacchione
April 27th, 2005, 11:40 AM
I filmed everything on my GL1 with my, I guess I could now call it "ghetto," version of the FigRig wheel. The funniest thing was when I went over to the Manfrotto booth and filmed people trying out the FigRig, I got so many looks with my setup that some people started taking pictures of me. So if anyone sees a picture in a magazine of a young guy with a GL1 with two accessory shoe adapters screwed together at NAB, then that's me =). I got asked so many questions about it and the Varizoom people cracked up about it when they saw me "The Manfrotto guys want $350 for the wheel and this guy's got it for $40! Nice job!"

Do you have pics or something somewhere of your Ghetto FigRig?

Alex F

John Sandel
April 27th, 2005, 05:14 PM
I love this board. Think of how goofy and indecipherable all this slang's gonna look ten years from now ...

Chris Hurd
April 27th, 2005, 06:26 PM
Jack, shoot me an email. I can host your clips right here at DV Info Net.

Zack Birlew
April 28th, 2005, 08:08 AM
I would Chris but I think it's my connection that's messing me up, I'm on the college's internet and I think they capped the uploads. Every time I try to send an e-mail, it takes forever to send something, whereas if I download something it only takes 30 seconds or less. Sorry =(.

Chris Hurd
April 28th, 2005, 08:12 AM
Hi Jack,

Rather than sending the clips as email attachments, I was going to give you temporary FTP upload access to our server, provided that you have an FTP client on your computer. Or, you could put those clips on a CD and mail 'em to me. Couple of options there.

Zack Birlew
April 28th, 2005, 01:56 PM
I think a CD/DVD idea might work better =). I don't know about the whole FTP thing. I'm kind of a newbie when it comes to uploading stuff. All I know is e-mail attachments. What would I have to do to do the whole FTP thing?