View Full Version : To charge or not to charge

Chris Powell
April 21st, 2005, 03:12 AM
I have been aproached by a German company who are looking to produce a CD Rom to accompany literature aimed at planning authorities and land owners. Their question to me is:

"under which terms we could maybe use one of your movies (or a sequence of it) for this CD-ROM."

"We would appreciate if we could use it for free and we will reference
the source of this movies."

The movies samples they are reffering to are at

Should I let them use this material for free?

Rainer Hoffmann
April 21st, 2005, 04:22 AM
Hi Chris,

ask yourself if this company will make money using your footage. If they do, then you should charge them. Don't give away your work for free when it's not a charity thing.

Just my 2 (Euro)Cents.

Bob Costa
April 21st, 2005, 06:45 AM
I agree that they should pay you. How much depends on the value to them, and you have to ask yourself if you really think that having a "credit" will get you any new business from their prospects? If so, then maybe they pay less than they would otherwise.

Chris Powell
May 8th, 2005, 04:59 PM
Thanks guys

Didn't come back here quickly as a the death of my father took precedence over all else after my post.

I've since agreed a sum and links back to my site so many thanks for the advice.
