View Full Version : deleting video clips but saving some

Dylan Couper
October 14th, 2002, 01:09 PM
I'm just about finished my first feature length (ok 55minutes) video. I need some advice about clearing out my hard drive.
My project was done on Vegas Video. I'm not sure exactly how the file process works with it, but I'd like to dump everything off my HD except for what's in the actual movie. What would be the best process of doing this?
I need to keep the edited movie clips themselves so I can make a trailer for it out of the footage I used.
There are probably 400 seperate clips BTW

Edward Troxel
October 14th, 2002, 02:18 PM
Vegas has an option just for this purpose. Just to a File-Save As, pick a new subdirectory, and make sure you check the box that says "Copy and trim media with project".

This will save you the .veg file with all supporting clips trimmed to the length actually used.