Greg Barton
April 19th, 2005, 10:23 PM
I am trying to import some songs from iTunes into FCP and I am having trouble. I have converted the songs to mp3 as opposed to aac and I can import the song and see it in the bin, but when I try to play it on the timeline all I hear is beeping. When I move the timeline indicator thingy, I can hear the song as it should be, it just beeps when I try to play it normally. I know there is another thread like this, but it isn't quite the same problem. The song is from my own CD. I import it as an mp3 file into iTunes and from there I try to import it into FCP and it doesn't work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: nevermind, I must have missed the other other thread. I did what the posters in there said and it worked.
EDIT: nevermind, I must have missed the other other thread. I did what the posters in there said and it worked.