View Full Version : Beeping Audio in FCPHD

Greg Barton
April 19th, 2005, 10:23 PM
I am trying to import some songs from iTunes into FCP and I am having trouble. I have converted the songs to mp3 as opposed to aac and I can import the song and see it in the bin, but when I try to play it on the timeline all I hear is beeping. When I move the timeline indicator thingy, I can hear the song as it should be, it just beeps when I try to play it normally. I know there is another thread like this, but it isn't quite the same problem. The song is from my own CD. I import it as an mp3 file into iTunes and from there I try to import it into FCP and it doesn't work. Any help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: nevermind, I must have missed the other other thread. I did what the posters in there said and it worked.

Rhett Allen
April 20th, 2005, 02:44 PM
DV does not natively support MP3's. It's 48K .aiff files. Anything else has to be rendered. The beeping you hear is Final Cut saying you need to render or "mix down" the audio. Change your import settings in iTunes to import as AIFF 48K. Then when you bring the audio into FCP you won't have to render it anymore.

Greg Barton
April 20th, 2005, 11:11 PM
Yeah, I realized that about 5 minutes after I posted. I must have just missed reading the post about halfway down the page about the same problem. I converted the audio to 48K aiff and it worked fine. Thanks though.