View Full Version : Official Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith *spoiler free ONLY before 5/19*

Yi Fong Yu
April 19th, 2005, 06:46 PM
i'm buying tickets as soon as i can for the midnight showing of Episode III. i'm both sad and excited cause this is the very last brand new star wars movie EVER MADE! i know there are lots of online tickets being offered and sold out but the one cinema i'd like to see this in (Boston Common) has not begun to sell tix yet.

BTW anyone else wanna come with if you're in the Greater Boston area? the local's Rebel501 is going to Dedham one but no1 in Boston itself. anyone?

Robert Knecht Schmidt
April 19th, 2005, 07:02 PM
After having witnessed the lines for the last two, I had been planning to see it at the Chinese. Too bad it won't be playing there: the only STAR WARS film not to do so.

Christopher C. Murphy
April 19th, 2005, 09:14 PM
Yi, I'm trying to find the best theater in the Boston area. I'm thinking the Loews theaters are good. If you find a special theater let me know..I've about 6 people that want to all go on opening night if possible.

Yi Fong Yu
April 20th, 2005, 10:01 AM
hi chris,

i'm going the loews Boston Common cinema for a 12:01AM 5/19 showing. as far as i know, it's the only cinema in boston. if you 6 people are gonna go all those people will need rides to and from. my ride may or may not be full depending on how many people go. check out this thread (i'm JediFonger):,_MA/b10095/19084146/?15

if you are CRAZY enough there is also a COMPLETE 6 film saga (chronological) viewing here:,_MA/b10095/19084259/?12

Joshua Starnes
April 20th, 2005, 10:08 AM
I'm going to be seeing the midnight showing at a Cinemark Tinsletown here in Houston. It's one of the older multi-plexes here, about 10 years old now, one of the first to have stadium seating and all that jazz that we take for granted now. But, and this is my favorite part, the original stadium theaters (the first built in Texas I believe) were built extra large to accomadate all the seats they wanted to put in it, including extra large - 70ft. screens. The biggest non-Imax screens in Texas. Every big visual movie I go see at the theaters, I go see on these screens.

I got my tickets yesterday, and it occured to me how much movie going has changed in just the short space of time since Ep. I came out. Back then, I had to go stand in line for an hour when the tickets went on sale, then carried them around with me like holy relics for two weeks. Now - just go on the internet and 5 sec. later, bam, you've got your tickets.

Of course, you've still got to sit in line for 6 hours opening night in order to get good seats.

I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to go the press screening the Thursday before - but everyone else at the site is angling for that too, so probably not.

Yi Fong Yu
April 28th, 2005, 11:46 AM
hey chris&everyone near boston.

the 12:30 AM showing of ROTS is onsale now on make sure you select 5/18 wednesday, but the showing is technically 12:30AM THURSDAY. if you're coming then i'll cya then.

Yi Fong Yu
April 30th, 2005, 09:54 AM
BTW, the digital version has an extra dagobah scene in it. so be sure to watch the DIGITAL version only. this is similar to what lucas did when AOTC came out in digital and film version.

Pete Bauer
May 15th, 2005, 01:40 PM
Thanks to a special arrangement between Mr. Lucas and my workplace, my family and I got to see a special pre-release screening of SITH today.

I won't spoil it with details, but a couple of summary comments might help:

- True, the violence is ratcheted up in amount and intensity compared to previous Star Wars films. Yet, it is definitely a Star Wars movie in its feel, and honestly IMHO no worse than stuff you see on TV. If your kid isn't an unusually sensitive soul (in other words, if you let 'em watch cable TV) and has seen the previously released episodes without getting nightmares, I don't think this film will freak them out.

- Best of the lot. Would be worth seeing even if you aren't a huge Star Wars fan.

Charles Papert
May 19th, 2005, 03:49 PM
After having witnessed the lines for the last two, I had been planning to see it at the Chinese. Too bad it won't be playing there: the only STAR WARS film not to do so.

True enough Robert, there is an emotional/historic connection to the Chinese as far as Star Wars is concerned (I myself saw the re-release of Ep. 4 there, really fun). But the Cinerama Dome is an epic place to see movies also, pretty unique; has it's own interesting history. The adjoining Arclight Cinemas are my all-time favorite for modern moviegoing experience.

Imran Zaidi
May 19th, 2005, 09:56 PM
Just watched it tonight. Very impressed. By far the best of the new 3, and really makes me itch to want to watch the old 3 so I can keep going with the story. This episode is everything the last 2 were not.

I just saw the comment about digital - I saw the film version. Darn, so I missed a scene reserved for digital only?

Yi Fong Yu
May 20th, 2005, 07:56 AM
oh yeah, right now it is after 5/19 so this is now a SPOILER thread.

i'm waiting for Josh's review of this =).

as for myself, i really loved it. definitely the best of the prequels and most emotional out of all 6. the bit with vader screaming NOOooo was awful, awful, awful.

Joshua Starnes
May 20th, 2005, 10:25 AM
[QUOTE=i'm waiting for Josh's review of this =).[/QUOTE]

I can sum it up in three words...

I hated it.

Just kidding.

I loved it (keeping in mind that I'm one of the people that really enjoyed the first two as well). It was funny in just the right way (though I do find the sight of R2 popping out of the ships like a toaster struddle uninentionally hilarious - or maybe it was intentional, I don't know). You really know it's successful in what its doing when it ends and you wonder where the time went. I saw Cinderella Man about a week ago and it was only about 10 min. longer than this and while it was a fine if standard film, I was really feeling the length. Sith on the other hand felt like it was over all too quickly.

Unlike a lot of people (imagine that, me disagreeing with people about Star Wars) I think I prefer the first half of the film to the second - not because the second half is lacking any way - but because the entire sequence on the droid flagship really captured that sense of incredible adventure and derring do and just plain FUN that made me love Star Wars (and the original Star Wars is far and away my favorite of the bunch, with Empire coming in second, though it's going to have to fight to keep that second place spot from Sith) and which the prequels have only managed to capture sporadically until now. I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed just watchin a movie like I enjoyed that much - it was funny, it was exciting, the camraderie was great, the only down side was that it felt like it was over too soon.

I didn't even mind the Nooo so much. I'd been hearing a lot about it, but the same as with Jar Jar, when it actually showed up it wasn't so bad. Maybe my expectations of awfulness had been raised beyond what the moment actually was. Or maybe it's because I'm a big fan of Whale's Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein (one of the only sequels that truly bests the original in every way) so the moment resonated for me that way.

A lot's been made of Jar Jar only being a cameo and having no dialogue, but I distinctly heard one line of Jar Jar speak towards the beginning of the film. It occured to me as I was leaving the film that what Lucas should have done - especially considering Jar Jar was the one who paved the way for Palpatine to become Emperor - was have Jar Jar be the senator who founded the Rebellion. That would have really put the Jar Jar haters in a twirl :) For people dead set on seeing him bite it, he could even have had Jar Jar be the first Senator actually killed by the Emperor for daring to oppose him, dying heroically, standing up for justice. Oh well, missed opportunities.

One thing I did notice, which has nothing to do with Star Wars. There were many, many trailers in front of Sith for big upcoming movies, but the only two that got any notice in my theater were Batman and The Chronicles of Narnia, which struck me as two very different films to be longed for by 15-20 year olds (my audience was about 90% 20 years old and younger, mostly teenagers, with me at nearing-30 being one of the oldest people there. Which means, now that I think about it, these kids were 14 or 15 at the oldest, and many far younger, when Ep. I came out - now that I think about it, I think most of the people at the midnight showing for Ep. I were 20 years old and older, not too many kids there - and here they are lining up 3 to 6 hours in advance to get good seats for the midnight showing, wearing costumes, talking Star Wars all that stuff, so maybe Lucas knew more what he was doing with Ep. I than people give him credit for). I also noticed that the final Fantastic Four trailer got ZERO applause or reaction from this, it's primary audience. That does not bode well.

Dylan Couper
May 20th, 2005, 08:37 PM
I'm not going to review it, there were some parts I loved, and some that I hated.
The whole movie would have been better if Anakin wasn't allowed to speak, and Padme was cut out completely. The dialogue was pretty cheesy in some parts, and I groaned at some other bad stuff (won't bring it up).
Overall, I didn't hate it, but didn't love it. My ratings for the series is as follows, scores being relative to a 10/10 for #4-ANH

#4 - ANH: 10/10
#5 - ESB: 10/10
#6 - ROTJ: 9/10
#1 - TPM: 7.5/10
#2 - AOTC: 6.5/10
#3 - ROTS: 7/10

Yi Fong Yu
May 21st, 2005, 09:59 PM
Jar Jar said, "excuse me" when the Palpatine's entourage received him. right after anakin+ob1's talks of politics.

in fact, there has been more characterization of the droids in this one than in the other prequels. like when anakin is captured by Greivous a droids says excuse me and you're welcomed. for some strange reason episode 3 droids are much more polite! =).

Alfred Okocha
May 22nd, 2005, 06:25 PM
A question to all you experts. The voice used for Darth Vader, no longer belonged to James Earl Jones, did it? I thought it didn't quite sound the same..Does anybody know why? I looked for a credit at the end but couldn't find it..

Aaron Koolen
May 22nd, 2005, 06:39 PM
Just saw it last night...

Darth didn't quite sound the same, but maybe they did that to still keep some JEJ sound as well as the Anakin sound.

Anyway, I went in not expecting much and that's what I got, so I guess I have to be pleased ;)

I thought Anakin's turn from struggle with himself to slaughtering anything insight was rather stupid (Unbelievably quick)

Did Palpatine need to write, in think felt pen, "Excuse me, I am a Sith Lord and I want to turn you evil" on his forehead before Anakin realied he was a bad guy? Obviously, cause Anaking just didn't get it.

There was nothing new in there, it was a linear progression from the previous movie to Darth Vader. I would have liked to have seen something that made me think.

Lucas' love for slapstick just annoys me. The first 10-15 minutes was like a Charlie Chaplin movie - I hate jokey robots.

I agree Padme could have almost been removed and lost nothing.

On the good side, I liked Palpatine. How when talking with Anakin, he'd move between sounding like an evil mother, to a genuinely nice guy who cared about Anakin. Well done on his part.

I liked all the varied vehicles and things, really interesting and rich - and I always like Yoda. Although, having just about kicked Palpatine's arse, he goes "I must go into exile, I have failed" rather than "I'll take a breather for a day or two, go back, with another Jedi, and deal to him."

Sorry to be so negative, I guess I was really hoping that something really good would happen this time. People had been building it up, telling me it was "darker" and "way better" than the other two, so I gave it a chance.


Christopher C. Murphy
May 22nd, 2005, 06:40 PM
This is just to much! Look who was almost the voice of Vader!

Looks like James Eark Jones is a pretty nice guy. But, not with Verizon. ;)

Aaron Koolen
May 22nd, 2005, 07:24 PM
If it's true, then THANK CHRIST! Imagine him as Darth Vader! ARRRRGHHH!


Yi Fong Yu
May 23rd, 2005, 06:19 AM
James Earl Jones already confirmed he voiced ROTS during several interviews. last few minutes of episode3.

Joshua Starnes
May 23rd, 2005, 10:36 AM
Darth didn't quite sound the same, but maybe they did that to still keep some JEJ sound as well as the Anakin sound.

Well, he is about 20 years older than the last time he voiced Vader. Harrison Ford doesn't sound exactly like Han Solo any more either.

There was nothing new in there, it was a linear progression from the previous movie to Darth Vader. I would have liked to have seen something that made me think.

It depends on whose watching it. If you come in as a fan of the OT, no there aren't any major plot twists. How could there be? Why should there be? On the other hand, if you come in watching in numerical order with no knowledge of the next four films, the entire thing is a big plot twist that you won't see coming. It seems to me Lucas has tried to make a film both for the older fans, and for future ones.

Lucas' love for slapstick just annoys me. The first 10-15 minutes was like a Charlie Chaplin movie - I hate jokey robots.

What's wrong with Charlie Chaplin? He was a genius. Made some of the best films ever made.

I agree Padme could have almost been removed and lost nothing.

Except of course Anakin would then have no reason to do anything that he does.

It feels like Lucas really made something this time. I can't wait to see what he directs next.

Imran Zaidi
May 23rd, 2005, 11:30 AM
Jokey robots, I would say, is consistent with the Star Wars world. Heck look at the Return of the Jedi - some pretty goofy robots in there. I find it entertaining personally - gives me a giggle just like it's supposed to.

And I agree on the Padme thing - while she wasn't developed further too much, and her death was very uneventful, she still was critical to the development of Darth Vader's character and absolutely couldn't have been just removed from the movie. Seen as a single movie, though, yes, Padme's character was seriously lacking.

Overall, if I had to cut one single thing out of the film, or changed it, it would be the Darth Vader "noooooooo" bit at the end. So ridiculous people in my audience giggled, even though the moments leading up to it pretty much had you in the exact right emotional tone.

Matt Stahley
May 23rd, 2005, 12:53 PM
Is it me or was Yoda the best "actor" in the film? I

Alfred Okocha
May 23rd, 2005, 12:58 PM
"Darth didn't quite sound the same, but maybe they did that to still keep some JEJ sound as well as the Anakin sound."

"Well, he is about 20 years older than the last time he voiced Vader. Harrison Ford doesn't sound exactly like Han Solo any more either."

A reply to a reply..
I think that voices don't change that much with age.. But I thought that in this case the voice was distinctly different. But since Yi Fong Yu already confirmed his presence maybe it's all in my head. I'll see it again just to make sure.. ;-) Since the it was sold out digitally I'll have another excuse to go watch it again..

BTW, How did that marathon you mentioned, Yi, go? Are you sure you weren't all asleep at the end?

Joshua Starnes
May 23rd, 2005, 05:03 PM
I think that voices don't change that much with age.. But I thought that in this case the voice was distinctly different.

They do, especially between youth and old age. A lot of people have been saying things about they don't think it's Vader, it doesn't sound right . . . I don't know where that comes from. It is most definitely James Earl Jones doing the voice, he and Lucasfilm have said so many times.

Alfred Okocha
May 23rd, 2005, 09:30 PM
Well, of course there's difference between the voice of a man and a boy, other than that I think we have to agree to disagree..
I also don't doubt that the voice belongs to Mr Jones. If it comes from Lucas.. who am I to say i doesn't..?

On another note I think Hayden remains a week actor. I also think that Lucas himself is a much better storyteller than director. He uses technology in a wonderful way of course and has pushed the limits everytime with Star Wars. BUT other than techwise I think he fails to bring out the best of his cast and is not innovating at all with camera movements, angels or cuts.. Of course it's all IMHO and no intent to offend anybody. I do appreciate the whole series though as a great story! Enough ranted..sorry. ;-l

Aaron Koolen
May 23rd, 2005, 09:35 PM
They do, especially between youth and old age. A lot of people have been saying things about they don't think it's Vader, it doesn't sound right . . . I don't know where that comes from. It is most definitely James Earl Jones doing the voice, he and Lucasfilm have said so many times.

It sounds like James Earl Jones, but it does sound different, definately. When I heard it I assumed they melded JEJ and Annakin's a little so that we would believe it was Annakin but still believe it was as the original. I mean hey, I'm sure his voice must break a little more or something between EP3 and EP4 - there is 20 years or so between them no?


Kenn Christenson
May 24th, 2005, 09:08 AM
I suspect that those people in Australia who listed "Jedi" as their religeon on a census will be reconsidering their choice. The Jedi come off as a rather cold-hearted lot.

Is it "Jedi-like" to leave Anakin aka Darth Vader to be burned alive, when Obi-wan could clearly have saved him?

Chris Hurd
May 24th, 2005, 10:40 AM
Or at least euthanized him. But then we wouldn't have Episodes 4, 5 and 6.

Pete Bauer
May 24th, 2005, 11:06 AM
Yeah Kenn,

I think you're being way too tough on poor ol' Obi-wan! To approximate a quote from the judge in Caddyshack, "I've sent boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to. Felt I (...dramatic pause...) owed it to 'em." Anakin had it comin'! ;-)

I'd still rather be a Jedi than a Sith...unless, of course, The Great Truth holds even in the Empire that the bad boys get all the hottest babes! (Clarification for my wife: "Why, yes, I AM a bad boy!" ...whew, that was a close brush with a fate worse than Anakin's!)

Kenn Christenson
May 24th, 2005, 11:16 AM
"But then we wouldn't have Episodes 4, 5 and 6."

I guess that was the primary problem with this film; everything had to line up for IV, V and VI, regardless of how silly (Vader's "Noooo!") or unconvincing; Anakin's all too rapid and barely motivated turn to the "Dark Side."

Oft heard line: "What's my motivation?"

Reply: "Your motivation is that I can go out that door and find at least a dozen other people to replace you."

"Thanks for clarifying that, Mr. Lucas."

John Plunkett
May 24th, 2005, 12:49 PM
I feel in a lot of ways that episode III is like episode II. Many people waited and watched. Many left the theatre loving the film, as did I..but after a few months and especially with the release of it on DVD, you begin to see through to the other side and know what these movies truly are.

I'm glad the "Nooooo!" was at the end of the movie because after seeing that I was ready to leave the theatre. One thing that disturbed me was how thin Natalie Portman was in the movie, especially considering the fact that she is supposed to be pregnant.

I, like many didn't understand how Lucas was going to take the new pieces and make them fit with the old. One of my biggest concerns was how all this super high-tech gadetry featured in the first two movies was going to disappear and be replaced with 70's technology. Episode III didn't explain this, they just introduced Princess Leia's transport ship and expected that to do the trick. Bah!

Did anyone else notice the guy at the end that looked like a young Grand Mof Tarkin? Also, does anyone else think that it was CGI trickery that made that scene happen? One last thought, if the Emperor is going to be in a light saber battle, why not have Jar-jar in one as well. Geesh!!

Keith Loh
May 24th, 2005, 12:59 PM
One of the kindest decisions was to not have Jar-Jar speak at all in this movie.

Kenn Christenson
May 24th, 2005, 12:59 PM
Yes, it is disappointing, especially because the original films inspired me to get into the business.

I guess that the last three films will serve as a cautionary tale, although not in the way Lucas intended: Because you can do anything you want in a film, doesn't mean you should. After all "Jaws" wouldn't have been nearly the film it was if the shark had worked.

Imran Zaidi
May 24th, 2005, 02:56 PM
The Padme pregnancy was very hard to believe. I mean, she was able to run into Anakins arms at Moustafar? Have you EVER seen a woman far enough into term to deliver healthy twins be able to run??

And the weirdest thing, regarding Padme's pregnancy, is that they have the technology to have an incredibly advanced maternity robot that goes 'boobah', but not the technology that tells you you're having twins.

Oh well. It is sci-fi fantasy, after all.

Chris Hurd
May 24th, 2005, 04:44 PM
After it's all finally been said and done now for George as far as Star Wars goes, I'm still thinking that THX 1138 is his best work to date. The version with Duvall. I never saw his USC-student-film version.

On the drive home from ROTS, my wife and I agreed that while Lucas is an innovative filmmaker who is -- or at least, has been -- very good at what he does, he is no literary giant by any stretch. Some of the character names he chooses, such as Padme and Dooku just make me cringe. As far as cinematic sagas go, I'll take LOTR over SW any day, but of course I say that knowing full well that I'm on my way to Crusty Old Fart status in doing so.

Yi Fong Yu
May 24th, 2005, 06:09 PM
Alfred, we had to reschedule it to this upcoming Sunday because it was 2 intense last Saturday with everyone's schedule. We have 8 confirmed coming. It's going to be awesome! =).

as for Tarkin:

Wayne Pygram

he was most well known prior to Episode III for being Scorpius in Farscape.

Alfred Okocha
May 24th, 2005, 07:34 PM
Well Yi. I hope you go through it and tells it about it. I've done a "old" Star Wars marathon but that just the beginning (the end..) comparraed to yours!

Good luck and don't forget to eat and drink..

Imran Zaidi
May 24th, 2005, 09:36 PM
My vote for the funniest line not meant to be funny in ROTS:

"Good relationship with the Wookies I have" - Yoda.

It's a good thing Yoda was CGI, because no way a real actor could say that line with a straight face. My audience giggled well into the scene that followed.

Chris Hurd
May 25th, 2005, 12:57 AM
Best near-miss in the screenplay:

C3PO: "There are times when I feel so helpless."

should have been...

C3PO: "There are times when I feel so useless."

Yi Fong Yu
May 25th, 2005, 07:37 AM
my fav line is, "Hello there." from Ewan. it was my fav line in Episode4 from Alec.


you can read all about it here:,_MA/b10095/19084259/?72
i hope to take some pix of it as well.

Well Yi. I hope you go through it and tells it about it. I've done a "old" Star Wars marathon but that just the beginning (the end..) comparraed to yours!

Good luck and don't forget to eat and drink..

Kenn Christenson
May 25th, 2005, 08:56 AM
The one good thing about seeing ROTS were the previews; "Cinderella Man," "War of the Worlds" and "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" all looked infinately better than the film I saw, IMHO.

Keith Loh
May 25th, 2005, 09:45 AM
All of the many "War of the Worlds" trailers are underwhelming. I know they are purposely holding back on the FX shots to keep you wanting to see the actual aliens (so far they have only shown the tentacle thing) but what remains is just Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning staring at nothing. *yawn*

Joshua Starnes
May 25th, 2005, 10:56 AM
I've seen Cinderella Man. Star Wars is much better. But then, I also liked Star Wars quite a bit. Best movie I've seen so far this year.

Imran Zaidi
May 25th, 2005, 12:08 PM
Keith, I don't know if this is the case or not, but it's quite possible they will never show you the aliens throughout the movie, in keeping with the history of the story, where the aliens were never really explored much.

I think this is what Shyamalan was going for in Signs - less a story about aliens and more a story about humans. Of course with Signs it leaves you wondering how aliens can conquer space travel but somehow not be able to open a door, but that's another story.

Keith Loh
May 25th, 2005, 12:19 PM
But as I recall from the HG Wells story, there were also descriptions of massive battles, just that they were delivered as news.

Also, by "aliens" I also include their ships as well. So at least I would expect to see their ships and whatever craft they are using to deal death to the pitiful humans. That's one of the things I loved about the 1953 version. The ship design with the heads was quite beautiful.

I don't think "Signs" is a good example to follow up on. I felt entirely cheated after watching that movie to the end.

Imran Zaidi
May 25th, 2005, 02:22 PM
Haha - I have no great love for Signs either.

As far as the alien ships, I bet they will show that - they'd have to, to show the destruction of it all. I just wonder how much of the actual aliens' bodies / faces they'll actually show.

Rob Lohman
May 26th, 2005, 02:54 AM
I saw 4, 5, 6, 1 & 2 (in that order) before seeing ep 3. I really enjoyed the
movie, except that it was projected a bit out of focus. That was a real pain
in the you know what.

A couple of thoughts I had:

1. I thought the humor in the beginning was a tad too much and didn't really fit in to the whole saga (at that level)

2. R2-D2 was kicking a bit too much ass (since he doesn't really do anything like that in the later episodes)

3. I felt Anakin turned a tad too easily to the dark side. Perhaps if Padme would've been close to giving birth this would've been better?

4. I would've swapped the final scenes with the babies being dropped of with the one with the Emperor and Darth on the bridge of the ship. I felt that was far more emotional to close on.

But overal I really enjoyed it!