Adam Burtle
April 19th, 2005, 03:00 AM
Hullo fello dvinfo citizens. I dont spent much time here nowadays.. business keeps me pretty busy, but thankfully i've managed to allocate some time to browse around at NAB '05.. and like last year, i'll be posting some photos. Today got cut short, so i only took maybe 50 photos.. i'll try to take several hundred tomorrow. For anyone who is interested, you can view them in my blog, along with a small writeup. I'll make posts daily (as time permits) with photos and writeups.
LINK: The april 18th photos (
LINK: my blog ( (bookmark this link to find tomorrow's photos etc)
Hope you all enjoy.
Jimmy McKenzie
April 19th, 2005, 06:13 AM
Thanks Adam for the nice snapshots ... some very appraochable gear there. I thought the show was more for the war cheasts at CBS FOX etc.
Math question: I noticed on your blog an interesting formula for converting $CDN to $US ... maybe I should export gear!
Thanks again for your hard work.
Adam Burtle
April 19th, 2005, 07:53 PM
Jimmy.. not sure how i messed up my math?
$800CDN = $641USD (according to Y! finance) X 25%NAB discount = $480.75. Did i miss something? heh.
In actuality.. NAB really does span the gamut, from ridiculously expensive, to very modestly priced. There are a ton of vendors selling most makes of gear from cheap to pricey.. from $400 wideangle converter lenses for DV cams, to $100k wideangle 35mm primes. The only downside, in my mind, is the sheer number of people make it very difficult to get consistent attention from vendors.. even visiting some of the larger booths two and three times, they are so packed with people it's impossible to get ahold of anyone who can sit down with you and talk you into buying their $90k camera... and 90% of the people crowding the booth are tire-kickers who just want to poke at the expensive cameras, which is fine, but some of us are actually trying to BUY some high end gear at this show, which can get annoying. Rant mode off.
Anyway, like a dope, i forgot to bring CF for my DSLR today, so no pics at all from today. I'm going to show up early tomorrow hopefully, when it's a little more empty, which should help to make up for it. I did get a chance to sit down and test out Nucoda's digital grading solution a bit with one of their colorists, and it was really nice.. where I hadnt really been considering Nucoda before, I'm seriously considering them now for our move to fulltime HD production.
Jimmy McKenzie
April 20th, 2005, 04:00 AM
Thanks Adam.
I missed the 25% show special...
As in years past, the aisles appear to be as clogged as ever.
Looking forward to your next collection of photos.
K. Clark
April 20th, 2005, 01:01 PM
Great stuff Adam. Thanks for providing eyecandy and info for those of us that have other commitments and could'nt make it to Vegas. I'm partictulary interested in those Rololights. What a great find! Turns out they have a nice website with plenty of additional information:
Keep up the good work. Cheers!
Brandon Murphy
April 25th, 2005, 09:37 AM
thanks for the pics Adam! Much appreciated.