View Full Version : Good little money maker

Corey Sturmer
April 17th, 2005, 05:09 PM
Last summer I shot some footage of my summer league swim team. End result was a lot of quality footage of the kids doing some cool stuff and thought it'd make a great gift to parents or grandparents of the kids if it was in a movie. So I put it together, and I got DVD's pressed and printed cases. Got a projector and had a showing at the banquet, and then sold them for 10 bucks a pop. Pulled in about 500-600 bucks when all was said and done! Not bad practice, either.

Here's the DVD cover:

and here's the movie, how's it look?

Brandon Greenlee
April 17th, 2005, 06:08 PM
I do this with all of the local highschool sports, basketball, baseball, wrestling, danceline, ect.

I make a 10-15 minute highlight real perfectly set to different music which is about a 30-40 hour job.

I usually charge a set price to the school of 300-400 or so then sell dvd's for $15 a piece. It works pretty well with me and I love being able to do this creative form of editing.

Corey Sturmer
April 24th, 2005, 06:58 PM
Any comments pertaining to the movie and the techniques used?

Marco Leavitt
April 24th, 2005, 07:35 PM
Good for both of you. That's thinking!

Joseph Lawrence
April 25th, 2005, 06:42 AM
Can you say 'copyright infringement'? I bet Billy Joel's lawyers can spell it clearly, unless you purchased the rights to this background music, in which case I apologize.


Brandon Greenlee
April 25th, 2005, 02:20 PM
It IS wrong.

But I guess thats just the way it goes - It pretty much makes the entire video. I couldn't imagine using stock music compared to songs that are known and work perfectly with the theme. Not to mention playing "the teams song" that they used to warm up to every game and having it on the video sync'ed to them performing.

There really is nothing in place for the little guy to allow him to use 'real' music on a $500 production. So it happens thousands and thousands of times 'illegaly'. I can't remember ever seeing a highlight video not using copyrighted songs. Its too bad the music industry won't let you buy a $50 license for productions such as this. They seem to rather make the money back by suing infringers.

Oh well...
Just my opinion...

Marco Leavitt
April 25th, 2005, 02:46 PM
Oh no, here we go ...

Brandon, you might want to rethink blaring to the world that you're committing copyright infringement on a public Web site. Just a thought.

Brandon Greenlee
April 25th, 2005, 03:49 PM
Sorry I helped bring this thread off its original topic....

Also, I never stated that I had committed this type of infringment - just that it happens constantly.

Corey, watched your video and enjoyed it. I agree that these videos are the perfect places to hone(sp?) ones editing skills. Good luck on future work of this nature.