View Full Version : Fig Rig

Glenn Gipson
April 17th, 2005, 04:46 PM

Odd device...but interesting.

Mark Sasahara
April 18th, 2005, 06:35 PM
Hey Glenn! I saw that too. I prefer the '68 GTO steering wheel with leather trim, meself.

The problem is still a way to hold the camera steady, so as to create smooth moves. You're arms and lower back are still bearing the entire weight of the camera plus added weight of the Fig Rig, so the problem is not solved. Any advantage is a figment of the imagination.

The steadicam is still the best "handheld" rig because the isoelastic arm takes the full weight of the camera. Save your hard earned dollars and put them towards hiring a steadicam owner/operator on your next project, or buy your wife/girlfriend something really, really nice. Something nice for yourself, too since I imagine it's costs a pretty penny.

I shot twenty, hand held, seven minute takes of a short film, by attaching a 5/8 inch baby pin onto the bottom of a DVX. This created a sort of pistol grip and made the camera much easier to hand hold. The one problem was that the matte box on the front made it a little front heavy, so I had to be careful not to let it nosedive. I also had a video transmitter and power source on the camera as well.

This was one continous seven minute take and I was ready to do more after twenty takes. The story would be different if I were using a bigger camera.

Zack Birlew
April 18th, 2005, 09:48 PM
Well, I still like my dual extra accessory shoe adapter compared to this. XP

j/k ^_^

Well, I saw some people playing with this and it looks interesting. I like it when it's set up with a steadicam-like setup. Handheld, I prefer my solution thank ya very much. Maybe I'll take my GL1 and ghetto solution with me tommorow to compare with his stuff! ^_^ Whaddya think?