View Full Version : HDLink -- various questions

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Pete Bauer
August 2nd, 2006, 09:55 PM
I guess we'll have to see what the Cineform guys have to say, but it reminds me of the previously reported converter issue mentioned in these threads:

Hopefully the next build will be out soon.

David Newman
August 2nd, 2006, 09:55 PM
That did work last time I tried that, over a year ago, so I don't know if that is a new bug or not. I suggest filing ticket so at least the support guys can try it out and file a bug report if necessary.

Dan Robinson
August 14th, 2006, 10:29 AM
I am having trouble with extreme artifacting (horizontal lines) on my Cineform intermediate AVI files. I have traced the problem to the M2T to Cineform intermediate AVI conversion process in HDLink.

My laptop was recently reformatted due to an unrelated issue, and I was sent a completely new install file from Cineform techs, as I needed a new activation code. Apparently this install file is a different version of Connect HD / HDLink than the one I had previously, as the version I had before didn't exhibit the problem.

Without trying to describe the artifacting problem in detail, I'll just post a exported frame of what is happening:

Any ideas?

Bob Hart
August 14th, 2006, 11:10 AM
Your files are 1440 x 1080 according to the screen grab you have posted..

A silly question, but after you installed the newer version, did you check the preferences in the standalone cineform HDLink capture utility or have you gone straight back into Premiere and recommenced exporting from there. As I said, a silly question but maybe one that got by you if you were tired and frustrated by the whole show.

With a clean re-install, everything would have gone back to defaults and would need resetting.

If you have looked into this, then attribute this comment to the ravings of a craven fool in the tech arts who knows but enough about crossing a road to step in front of a truck and wonders why he somehow cannot continue furthur after it passes.

I also found, after a re-install when I messed up, that I had to have a couple of goes at playing the timeline before things settled down.

Among other things, Premiere Pro had to re-establish all the connections between the captured files and the Projects which hosted them.

My system is not Adobe approved for Premiere Pro 2 and XP seems to have an occasional problem with the hardware I have set up.

If it gets sick, I cycle it through a start-up and shutdown cycle at least once without tasking if it has crashed for any reason. That seems to fix it.

David Newman
August 14th, 2006, 11:47 AM

You are trying to run Connect HD with Premiere Pro, you really need Aspect HD. The issue is the Premeire AVI importer has not been updated, Adobe made mistake of cooking in a very old version of the CineForm decoder, it is lower quality and not compatible with the high quality images created with today's CineForm tools. If you contact CineForm support there is a work-around. However, Aspect HD is the best solution for Premiere Pro.

Dwayne Dupre
August 15th, 2006, 05:20 AM
I have AspectHD. I've updated every build. I still have this same problem as Dan when I output to tape. Everything looks great until I need to output. Yes all my setting are correct.

Ali Husain
August 15th, 2006, 05:35 AM
so whenever i convert MXF files which are approximately >1.5gb with the HDLink "import" function, i get the EC_ERRORABORT notification message after HDLink is about 10% done. i'm left with an AVI file which plays about 10% through with video and sound, but after that only sound. i've loaded this aborted file into sony vegas to confirm that i have the full audio and only 10% of the initial video.

if i rename the AUDIO directory to hacked_AUDIO (so HDLink can't find those files), then i DO NOT get the EC_ERRORABORT notification and the entire file converts, albeit without any sound.

this is 100% reproduceable for me. comments?

i filed a ticket and also posted in the cineform support group. here are details:

platform: windows XP sp2, pentium IV, 2gb ram
version: CineForm Connect HD (3.0.4 Build 22) DEMO VERSION (but I plan to buy the full version! this codec is amazing!)
preferences: HD File Size: Large
Frame Format: Automatic
Resize Video to 1280x720

the files are sourced from 720/24pN footage, and were copied to a harddrive automatically with P2 Genie.

as a test that the problem is probably NOT with the MXF files: i invoked RayLight on the same files without any hack and they convert completely and play back fine in all quality modes with audio.

any ideas?


David Newman
August 15th, 2006, 09:06 AM

You either have install problem you some mixed vintage footage on an early Althon or something else. This problem is very old. Please file a trouble ticket.

David Newman
August 15th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Very interesting investigation. Can you send us the audio and video pair that will not convert?

Darryl Hill
August 15th, 2006, 01:57 PM
I was getting the exact same error message and I was able to convert without the audio files. I placed a ticket with cineform and they said it was because the HVX200 was trying to tape over the same p2 file
I had left the camera running and did not turn it off before the end of the p2 card had filled up.

Ali Husain
August 16th, 2006, 04:19 AM
i will put it up somewhere and then email your support the link. thanks!

Ali Husain
August 16th, 2006, 05:56 AM
what does it mean if there is a purple exclamation point in the corner of the thumbnail for that virtual p2 card in p2 viewer?

p2 viewer plays it fine but it reports the length to be 1hr and 2 mins!

David Newman
August 16th, 2006, 08:58 AM
I don't know what that P2 Viewer message means, but it could be related to your issue.

Dan Robinson
August 22nd, 2006, 09:41 AM
Just an update to say that the fix the Cineform techs gave corrected the problem and everything is working fine now.

Many thanks!!

Ben Winter
August 22nd, 2006, 09:46 AM
Dan, can you tell me what the solution was? I am having a similar problem and this may help me (and possibly others) in my troubleshooting.

David Newman
August 22nd, 2006, 10:21 AM
If you are trying to mix Connect HD with Premiere Pro, i.e. and not using Aspect HD, this is where the issue arrises. In this case please contact support.

Mark Leonard
August 28th, 2006, 07:59 PM
have aspect hd and would like to know if I can adjust the settings on my capture to get that "film" look. I have the HC3 and shoot in 1080i obviously. are there settings that will adjust the capture so I can do a 24p movie? or do I not use aspect at all for this? btw, i use the pp2, ae7, etc..,


David Newman
August 28th, 2006, 08:49 PM
If requestion 3-2 pulldown extraction and deinterlace the software will convert 60i to 24p.

Steven Gotz
August 28th, 2006, 08:59 PM
As long as you understand that going from 30i to 24p does not actually make anything look more like film. That requires lighting and shooting techniques. Contrary to popular belief, you can't fix everything in post production.

Mark Leonard
August 29th, 2006, 10:49 AM
thanks David,

so I can use that remove 3-2 pulldown? I dont understand what the stuff in
parentheses means behind it (sony cineframe24 & p2 1080p24). also what does the rate change section do underneath them? I see a 60p to 24p selection.

David Newman
August 29th, 2006, 11:51 AM
Normal you only do pulldown removal if you have pulldown to remove, the Sony mode CineFrame 24 and the Panasonic p2 1080p24 both have pulldown. Have if you have 60i and use De-interlace, we use the conbination to convert 60i to 24p.

The rate change control is for slow or fast motion. Converting 60p (note you only have 60i) to 24p gives you a 2.5X slowmotion. So you don't want that option. If you want a small amount of slowmotion, for a trippy look, don't use the pulldown removal, instead select de-interlace and rate change for 30p to 24p with "Maintain audio pitch" set on. This will convert your 60i to 24p in a more "interesting" way.

Juan Oropeza
August 29th, 2006, 04:02 PM
Hi Folks,

Does anyone know if the latest version of HDLink is able to distinguish between itu601 and itu709 colorspace when capturing from the standalone app? Just to be clear, I'm not talking about when capturing within PP 2.0 or any other application in which case you can force prospect hd to work in either colorspace by selecting or deselecting the appriopiate colorspace. The reason for asking is because I have a source that is known to be in the itu601 colorspace and would like to capture it with the HDLink app.


David Newman
August 29th, 2006, 04:22 PM
As HDLink is a fully YUV tool, there are no color space issues as we completely preserve the source colorspace. For example JVC HD1 & HD10 uses 601 whereas the HD100 uses 709, both are preversed.

Juan Oropeza
August 29th, 2006, 04:48 PM
Thanks David! That's the answer I wanted to see!!!


Mark Leonard
August 30th, 2006, 08:54 AM
sorry for if these are nub questions but trying to learn more about this great sofware.

so, if I put a checkmark in the remove 3:2 pulldown (not sure how to know if I have pulldown or not). leave the rate change to no change and maintain audio pitch and select de-interlace 1080i. the result will be a 24p video? also should I keep the top selected as a cineform avi or should I edit with a mpeg2.ts file? think I'm gonna buy magic bullet this afternoon as well to help with the "film-like" look I'm shooting for.

thanks so much David, you're very helpful and should be commended for the input that I've seen you post here. especially for us beginners

David Newman
August 30th, 2006, 09:44 AM
As you have a Sony camera, only the CineFrame 24 mode uses pulldown (I think the HC3 has that as the HC1 and FX1 and Z1 did.) But it tends to be an unpopular mode, so I doubt you shot with it. We use the pulldown control with the deinterlace control to make a new function, 60i to 24p -- sorry if that is a little confusing -- try it out.

Also try out anything before buying it, even the great magic bullet. Your desire for a film look may or may not be achieved with post processing alone, camera techniques can help -- plus no-one truly agrees on what makes a film look (often mentioned: 24 or 25 frames progressive, grain, high dynamic range, shallow depth of field -- not all are archivable with video.)

If you have CineForm AVIs edit with them, you will never want to touch M2T files after that -- CineForm is that much easier to edit with.

Ben Winter
September 19th, 2006, 09:43 AM
has the latest version of HDLink corrrected this problem? I still have it. HDLink randomly stops X minutes into the tape.

David Newman
September 19th, 2006, 09:52 AM
Sorry, David T. can confused another issue. Some systems the camera temporarily disconnects causes a shortened capture, it isn't common in the customer base and nothing has changed to address that -- although it is still in the database waiting a solution. What has been fixed is batch conversion of M2Ts which used to stop at random.

Michael Y Wong
November 4th, 2006, 06:01 PM

Lately I've been trying to get best DVD output from HDV via:

PP2.0-> output M2t(backup to HDVTape)-> M2T File Convert to Cineform AVI (via HDLink)-> VirtualDub Resized to 720x480 AVI-> Procoder to Variable Bit DVD.

The results are actually very good.

However one of the my outputs was a music video and thus I had meticulously cut the video directly in sync with the audio. The M2t file preserved my A/V sync with no problems but however when I watched the Cineform HD AVI (generated via HDLink) I noticed that the audio and video was NOT perfectly in sync.

So I tried recreated another Cineform HD AVI file but this time from the timeline from within PP2.0 and thus the Cineform AVi was now in proper audio video sync.

Has anyone else noticed this problem when using HDLink?

Thanks in advance!

David Newman
November 4th, 2006, 06:45 PM
Likely there is nothing wrong with the AVI, sometimes playback within mediaplayer can be slightly off on some PCs. To make files easier to play use this tool

Double click on AcceleratedPlay.reg so the mediaplay will decode faster.

Brian Panelo
November 13th, 2006, 12:58 PM
Shot footage in 50i Cineframe 25 and like to edit in the CineForm preset in PPro 2.0 24p.

Clip does not play correctly in the the timeline, but goes directly to the end of the clip.

David Newman
November 13th, 2006, 01:24 PM
Within the capture settings panel set "Rate Change" to convert your 25p/50i to 24p or (more common) 23.976p. If playback issues presist after make this change, please file a trouble ticket at

Brian Panelo
November 13th, 2006, 01:44 PM
Thanks for the quick reply, but still the same issue. Submitted a ticket and awaiting a response

Brian Panelo
November 13th, 2006, 02:33 PM
one more thing...I'm using HDLink to capture 60i now...

I noticed that any CineForm Project used will not play the video correctly. Although, if I import the same video into the Adobe HDV 60i project, the video plays just fine.

Question is: Will I lose any benefits as far as editing goes??

David Newman
November 13th, 2006, 02:35 PM
Yes, you loose lots. Clearly something isn't install correctly on your system. You should try reinstalling Aspect HD as a quick fix.

Brian Panelo
November 13th, 2006, 03:11 PM
could it be something in the playback settings? The moment i change from composite video to alpha or anything else, it plays...

I have an nVidia quadro fx 560

David Newman
November 13th, 2006, 03:40 PM
I doubt it. Sounds like an install issue or a DirectX issue.

Dave Campbell
November 26th, 2006, 07:19 AM
Still trying to debug my issue. The more data I get, the faster I may find root cause.


David Newman
November 26th, 2006, 10:20 AM
Select the LOG window then ALT+"Print Screen" to capture a picture to the clipboard. Use IrfanView ( to past the picture and save a PNG.

Dave Campbell
November 26th, 2006, 10:38 AM
Yea, I know I can do this. But, some of the log files are multiple screens long. So, maybe an enhancement input, be able to save the entire log file.


David Newman
November 26th, 2006, 11:03 AM
We only need the last few entries, where the error is reported. Long pages don't help us.

Brian Panelo
December 8th, 2006, 01:34 PM
Looking at the log, I'm getting an issue with Buffer Overrun. Is Defragging the only solution for this?

Also, once I start capture, the video will stop automatically after about 7 min worth of footage...

David Newman
December 8th, 2006, 02:09 PM
It means your disk is running slower than data coming of the the tape (write speeds of 3.5MBytes/s i.e. not much.) Extreme disk fragementation may be the cause, a or drive/controller failure, or other. Try capturing to a different disk, and if that works investigate what might be wrong with the original disk.

Brian Panelo
December 8th, 2006, 03:13 PM
Thanks David for the quick response. FYI, I'm running Raid 0 and not really sure where to start, but I'll defrag and let you know the results.

David Newman
December 8th, 2006, 03:40 PM
For a quick test, see if the same issue occurs when capturing to your system drive.

Brian Panelo
December 8th, 2006, 04:09 PM
ok, i think the defrag worked, but now i'm getting the following error in the log:

-"No valid transport stream header"
-"Error: hr (0x80004004 - Operation aborted) in (RTCaptureConvert.cpp at 1315)"

Also, I noticed that the HDLink version that starts is 1.5

I am currently running Aspect v4.2.4 Build 72

Any suggestions?

David Newman
December 8th, 2006, 04:53 PM
It seems that you aren't get valid M2T data from your camera. Verify by capturing just the M2T then converting that to an AVI. If that works, but RT capture/convert still doesn't, contact support through

Mark Leonard
January 6th, 2007, 02:37 PM
still playing with the capture settings on my hdlink to capture hd footage from my sony hc3. I've found that if i change the HD file size to large and not on medium It runs so much better. why is this?

David Newman
January 6th, 2007, 03:36 PM
Large is higher quality and uses slightly more CPU, otherwise no idea.

Mark Leonard
January 6th, 2007, 03:52 PM
well damn, I was gonna try out this on my dedicated "cature" machine but my 2 weeks have expired, w/o reinstalling windows is there a way I can get another week on that machine's trial period to see if it'll capture with this large setting?