View Full Version : 90 minute timeline crashes, DO?

Ralph Bowman
April 16th, 2005, 10:56 AM
I have a 90 minute program shot with two cameras with lots of inserts and very few transitions. I crash about every 35 minutes
when playing out time line...Canopus Storm 2 edit...rock solid...
except now...Question more ram?(i have 1 gig), add a drive and raid to other video drive? (I have only 40 gig system and 100 gig video), Add only another 100 gig drive and use as temporary scratch drive?, I have 1.8 processor...all as been perfect until now that I try to play with 90 minute projects.

Thanks and Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ralph Bowman

Rob Lohman
April 18th, 2005, 07:13 AM
You are going to have to supply us with more information:

- which NLE are you running? (I assume Premiere?) what is the EXACT version?

- which operating system are you running this on?

Are you saying *it* crashes when playing the timeline back to your camera
or tape deck? If so render it out to a DV AVI first. Start a new project, load
the AVI and then play that out to tape. Does that work?