View Full Version : HVX officially on Panasonic's website

Luis Caffesse
April 12th, 2005, 06:04 PM
Not sure if someone submitted this yet....

Here it is (

1/3" Chips confirmed
Fire Wire
DV recording.


Carl Merritt
April 12th, 2005, 07:41 PM
The information is really hard to swallow.
It's got "too good to be true" written all over it.

Kaku Ito
April 12th, 2005, 08:16 PM
Thank you Luis, for finding the treasure page.
I heard about this a couple months ago that Panny is already providing the demo units to various broadcast stations secretly.
720/60p is great. I hear this will look more like DVC30.
You will probably see me move to this and provide clips like I did on HVR-FX1.

Chris Hurd
April 12th, 2005, 08:26 PM
And I'd be honored to host those clips again for you, Kaku! Thanks,

Bob Zimmerman
April 12th, 2005, 10:16 PM
This is starting to look pretty good.

Christopher C. Murphy
April 13th, 2005, 08:13 AM
Anyone on a PC have Teleport Pro? You can suck down the entire Panasonic website and look locally for the HVX200 image. It looks like the web designers have broken links to the images....they must be there, but not actually linked!!!

I'm on Mac now, I used to have a PC with Teleport Pro!

Chris Hurd
April 13th, 2005, 08:27 AM
Heh, well Murph, the trouble with that is I'd have to squelch anybody who tries to post that they've actually done such a thing, otherwise I could be held liable for intellectual property theft. We have only a few more days to wait... it's almost here... and it's certainly nothing that's worth getting a person into legal trouble.

Michael Pappas
April 13th, 2005, 08:30 AM
Hacking....oooooooo .Jan would smack you hard with her P2 stick.

I was just having this same discussion the other day why no one has leaked it. There are images out there, PR people, the printers who make brochures and many other people. But a niche group only cares to see it. That's us. Ofcourse it only takes a hacker that is in filmmaking that wants to search some servers and then send it off!

<<<-- Originally posted by Christopher C. Murphy : Anyone on a PC have Teleport Pro? You can suck down the entire Panasonic website and look locally for the HVX200 image. It looks like the web designers have broken links to the images....they must be there, but not actually linked!!!

I'm on Mac now, I used to have a PC with Teleport Pro! -->>>

Michael Pappas
April 13th, 2005, 08:33 AM
Chris, you could look the other way as I slip you a P2 8gig in your pocket. By the way, good morning sir.......... I love my coffee.......7:28am

<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : Heh, well Murph, the trouble with that is I'd have to squelch anybody who tries to post that they've actually done such a thing, otherwise I could be held liable for intellectual property theft. We have only a few more days to wait... it's almost here... and it's certainly nothing that's worth getting a person into legal trouble. -->>>

Chris Hurd
April 13th, 2005, 08:35 AM
The people that actually have this info are legally bound by NDA, and they're not about to jeopardize their professional relationships by breaching the trust that Panasonic placed in them. Come on, it's just a camera, and we'll all enjoy "full disclosure" within a matter of a few days.

Chris Hurd
April 13th, 2005, 08:37 AM
Michael, I could tell you, but then I'd have to... put you in a car with Bob Jones... you get the idea.

Seriously I know nothing, and even if I do, I say nothing.

Michael Pappas
April 13th, 2005, 08:44 AM
Chris, it's just fun talk. Kids in a sand box chatter. Nothing more..... I'll pour you a cup of joe!

I can't wait tell your back out here.

Chris, maybe someday a chat system could be created here, so we could have online hosted discussions. Better yet, an internet forum radio show. Now I like that. Radio net. Better then chatting. Radio net and chat mixed as well. That sounds like fun.

<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : The people that actually have this info are legally bound by NDA, and they're not about to jeopardize their professional relationships by breaching the trust that Panasonic placed in them. Come on, it's just a camera, and we'll all enjoy "full disclosure" within a matter of a few days. -->>>

Christopher C. Murphy
April 13th, 2005, 08:45 AM
Lol, guys...I'm not suggesting we stoop so low. Ok, I did suggest it...but, I concede that it isn't right. Therefore, all bets are off...don't do it!

Side note: I used to be a hacker back in the days when hackers were unknowns (pre-1996) that ruled the roost. Now, I have my name posted with everything I say so I'm not hacking anything!

Those days are long over...but, I still remember the hacks. Teleport Pro was a hackers dream come Oh, and we can't forget the gracious "robots.txt" file! lol....I don't think anyone knows what I'm talking about!

I know, way off topic....sorry.

Chris Hurd
April 13th, 2005, 09:27 AM
Michael, I don't think we'll ever do a chat feature here, I'm just not convinced of its usefulness. We might do a radio-style thing sometime; as you know we've been talking about that for awhile.

Ignacio Rodriguez
April 13th, 2005, 10:22 AM
Chris, a podcast? That would be AWESOME!

Also, an AvantGo news page would be great. I regularly read Wired, BBC and other news this way.

Chris Hurd
April 13th, 2005, 10:27 AM
Ignacio: << a podcast? That would be AWESOME! >>

Yeah, even Pappas will tell you that I have extensive experience in microbroadcasting, from way back in the day during the reign of the mighty Kind Radio in San Marcos, from 1997 to 2000. So anything is possible.

Will look into AvantGo, thanks for the tip.

Ignacio Rodriguez
April 13th, 2005, 10:30 AM
I have ran AvantGo sites for a newspaper I used to work for. It's very easy to implement. Just make a simplified web page and a special link will add that as a custom channel to anybody's AvantGo profile.

Christopher C. Murphy
April 13th, 2005, 10:41 AM
I worked with Audionet - remember them?? lol Oh, I beta tested for Vivo too...remember them??

Jacques Mersereau
April 13th, 2005, 11:39 AM
I'm wondering if this camera is basically a DVX100a with a denser CCD set.
If so, is there anyone on this list who can make an EOS adapter ala Canon
for this camera so that it could take Canon 35mm lens?

I am about to buy a camera, and the XL2 is perfect except that it doesn't
do HD, but I love the magnification factor and look of 35mm glass.

Firewire out is GREAT as long as it can output DVCPro 100 to a hard drive.
That would help elevate the P2 card short falls.

Kaku Ito
April 13th, 2005, 09:03 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : And I'd be honored to host those clips again for you, Kaku! Thanks, -->>>


Thank you. I will try to do my best again.
This time, the capturing process would be better since Apple probably have easier time supporting Panny's format with Final Cut Pro HD (7?).

Another thing I would try in the near future is to provide my HDV clips with H.264 streaming on QuickTime streaming server. This will happen after April 29th and I can let you folks know if anyone interested in experiencing H.264 over internet.