Alex Raskin
April 12th, 2005, 04:29 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before - I must have missed it...
With Aspect HD 3.0 Trial installed on P4 3.0 HT, 2 Gb machine with 400 FSB, SCSI HDDs, no other applications running:
when HDLink either captures from FX1's tape OR converts existing m2t file off the hard drive, the sound gets out of sync in about 7 minutes. It is ahead of the picture.
Anyone knows why?
David Newman
April 12th, 2005, 05:06 PM
Is this a desktop playback only issue? The 400 FSB could be slowing the playback. To test try this:
>Download this tiny archive (only 0.6k)
>Unzip and you will find:
>With MediaPlayer closed, double click on AcceratedPlay.reg and this will change the default MediaPlayer settings for CineForm AVIs to use the preview mode (same as Premiere preview playback.) This will enable very efficient playback on your desktop with any player of CFHD AVIs.
>Double click on FullQualityPlay.reg to restore the shipping defaults.
>Neither on these tools effect Aspect HD or Connect HD operation within the editing packages. Nor do they effect any other codecs. They are completely harmless (and handy to have.)
The above will make playback much easier on the CPU. See if the audios slips then.
Another issue may be if the orginal M2T had scene breaks. This only causes an issue when converting long disk based M2T files, not real-time captures. Real-time capture will split the scenes (avoiding the time-sync glitch that can happen between scenes.) A future update will address scene detection for disk based M2T files.
Use real-time capture with scene detection whenever possible. It you need to capture to M2T file first -- manually capture each scene in separate M2T files.
Alex Raskin
April 13th, 2005, 08:04 AM
I see... I captured *without* scene breaks...
Thank you for your advice to re-capture with scene breaks on.
HOWEVER: this is an educational video, and tape scenes are rather long - 20 minutes on the end or longer, showing lengthy procedures! So every scene will in fact be longer than 7-8 minutes after which the sound out of sync is becoming noticeable.
What to do?
Also: I do not use MS Media Player to play back the files. Rather, I use either Elecard or NLE (PPro 1.5.1) itself. The out of sync propagates the same way in both. m2t files do not have the out of sync problem.
David Newman
April 13th, 2005, 09:38 AM
That is interesting, sync issues are normal due to drop-outs (which commonly occur at scene boundaries -- that is why I mention scene detection.) File a trouble ticket at to see if support has a better idea. You should not be having any sync issues.
Alex Raskin
April 13th, 2005, 10:07 AM
Understood. So there's a chance that the signal drop-outs at scene change points are throwing the sync off.
I'm re-capturing the footage now with scene detection ON, in hope that it'll turn out differently. Will report the results shortly.
Alex Raskin
April 13th, 2005, 12:30 PM
Very strange...
Captured with Scene Detection ON.
Now, sound is still off in short (5 min.) scenes too. But on top of it, there's pixel blocks appearing randomly in videos here and there, making the captured footage unuseable. No such thing with CapDVHS capture.
M P4 3.0Ghz is running in Hyper Thread mode... no other apps beside HDLink are working... this should meet Aspect HD specs, right?
This problem never occurs when I'm capturing video via CapDVHS utility - which of course produces a m2t file (no sync issues).
I then have to convert it into Aspect HD avi - which would be fine except sound goes out of sync.
David Newman
April 13th, 2005, 12:44 PM
File a trouble ticket. Something is up. List any details you know, PC specs to shooting format.
Alex Raskin
April 13th, 2005, 12:45 PM
Will do, thanks.