Kevin Crisp
April 9th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Does anybody have this camera? I think my monitor has gone out? Anybody had this problem?
View Full Version : D1X Problems Kevin Crisp April 9th, 2005, 09:11 PM Does anybody have this camera? I think my monitor has gone out? Anybody had this problem? kc Rob Lohman April 10th, 2005, 06:53 AM Do you have a link to this camera? Who makes this? I've never heard of a D1X before. Kevin Crisp April 11th, 2005, 06:14 AM Nikon D1x. You should be able to find info on it. Boyd Ostroff April 11th, 2005, 05:14 PM Kevin: I moved this thread to the still camera forum. Hopefully you'll get an answer here. Ken Tanaka April 14th, 2005, 09:49 AM Kevin, By "monitor" I assume you mean the LCD display at the camera's back? The D1x is the predecessor to Nikon's current D2X, a pro-level digital SLR still camera. I think you may have more luck looking for answers at DPreview's Nikon D1/D2 forum (, although it the LCD simply stopped working you'll obviously have to send it for repair. Good luck. Matt Manning April 14th, 2005, 12:44 PM I have found multiple bugs in both the D1 and D1x after extended use. No LCD problems though. Our main problems have been with exposure readings, both flashed and non-flashed. Service didn't seem to help much. It just seemed to degrade some over time. The meter can be off , mostly under, more than a stop sometimes (spot meter on 18% grey, sunlight). Anyone else notice this? Alex Ratson April 15th, 2005, 10:20 PM I do not own a D1/D1H/D1X (I use a F5 & D2H) although I have played with a friends D1 and D1X. It definitely sounds like your D1X needs to be sent in. I have not herd of any issues with the LCD screen. I have also not herd of any exposure problems with the D1 series cameras. I know that with the D2 series that Nikon have made the camera underexpose by 1/3 of a stop to help hold highlight detail. Back when I worked at a Nikon Pro dealer I remember a good customer who did not align his lens up with the mount and bent the prong that steps the aperture down. This caused his D100 to under expose by a 1 1/3 of a stop. The old D-TTL flash definitely is not as good as TTL on film or i-TTL on the D2. I have herd of lots of people having to shoot a scene or subject multiple times when using flash on D1 series. I also herd that AA auto mode works better then D-TTL in a lot of situations. I also recommend that you both check out It is wonderful resources vary similar to DVinfo but all Nikon. Best of Luck, Alex |