View Full Version : Question about Sony 1342Q - need advice

Ryan Mitchell
September 22nd, 2009, 10:19 AM
Hi folks --

I have an opportunity to pick up a Sony PVM 1342Q for $50, which sounds like a great opportunity to me. However, great price aside, I don't know enough about it (or external monitoring in general) to say that it would definitely benefit me, even $50's worth. I shoot with a Sony EX1, so 720p at a minimum but usually 1080p. I know at some point I'll need to get an MXO2 mini or something to do color correction with an external monitor, and was thinking this might be a great way to get started, and with a tube view at the same time.

The questions I'm concerned about though are the fact that it's not 16:9 (as far as I can tell), it's SD and not HD, and does it really add anything to my potential monitoring setup that waiting until I'm ready to get an HD monitor / TV?

This is a local purchase - so I can see it before I buy, but I have to imagine that $50 is a decent price, even if the monitor isn't perfect. *IF* it would make sense for my uses.

Just looking for some thoughts from the group out there... Thanks much!

Greg Laves
September 23rd, 2009, 07:35 PM
I am prejudiced. I have had 5 Sony PVM 8" monitors and 1 Sony PVM 13" monitor and all died a very pre-mature death. And none were abused. They were exclusively used in a studio environment. I have an older JVC 9" cheapy monitor that I had before I got any of the "real professional" Sony monitors. The JVC is still working.