View Full Version : XL2 bad pixels?

Matthew Wilson
April 4th, 2005, 05:51 PM
Just found a bad pixel on my 3 month old XL2. Fortunately, it showed up the day after we shot some dark attic scenes. Can be seen rather easily at +6db and is still visible, though not terribly down to 0 db. So I'm wondering, has anyone else seen or had this problem? I've taken it to Canon and hope to get it back shortly. They said that they've seen a few come in for this but not too many. What worries me is that I only found it after looking at some footage on a large studio monitor and it was hard to detect in the viewfinder or on a field monitor even after I found it. Everyone else's still good?


Christian Asnieres
April 4th, 2005, 07:09 PM
Is this something that records to tape?


Matthew Wilson
April 5th, 2005, 12:24 AM
Oh yeah. Plays back as a not-so-nice bright dot. Mine is at about 2 o'clock about a third of the way across from center

Rob Lohman
April 5th, 2005, 04:47 AM
You should still have warranty on the camera. Send it in for
replacement or get it fixed. Don't want to have bad pixels.

Matthew Wilson
April 8th, 2005, 01:03 PM
Actually, I did take it in and just got it back 4 days later, fixed. I have to admit the service was pretty darn good. My only gripe is that I also had a color VF that had a few stuck pixels and they sent it back saying it was within spec. I have a hard time believing that LCD's with multiple bad pixels are within anyone's spec. But at least I got my camera back fast.

Pete Bauer
April 8th, 2005, 03:31 PM
I'd be the last one to defend the concept, but in fact computer LCD manufacturers have written standards about how many dead pixels their LCDs may have -- which of course they don't really jump all over themselves to advertise. Because of that, I won't buy an LCD from a vendor that won't do no-hassle exchanges...don't want to be stuck with an expense display that's "in spec" but has dead pixels.

Bad enough to deal with a display device that has dead pixels, but a sensor with even one would be ENTIRELY unacceptable to me. Fortunately, from your experience it appears that at least the XL2's CCD sensor doesn't fall under those kind of standards!

Greg Boston
April 8th, 2005, 04:32 PM
And, Sony is getting an ear full from some of their PSP customers. Brand new game consoles with stuck pixels. According to another area of the site that you referenced Pete , they aren't jumping to remedy that problem either.
