Peter Wright
September 21st, 2009, 06:47 AM
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I've spent half an hour searching .....
Anyone tried putting their finished edited HD program back onto SxS or SDHC cards, then using the EX Camera to display, via a Screen or Projector?
Hearing about your experiences would be appreciated - what steps were required to go back to Card, and which output from the camera (SDI or Component) worked better?
Craig Seeman
September 21st, 2009, 08:18 AM
SxS/SDHC, which are formatted to Fat32 for use with XDCAM, has 4GB file limit. I'm not sure why one would go this route.
Encode to the high quality codec of choice and play back from good laptop or file media player. I can't see the logic of jumping through hoops to use a camera costing thousands of dollars when there are $100-$200 solutions (media players) designed for this purpose or common laptops that are still much less expensive than the camera.
Peter Wright
September 21st, 2009, 10:47 PM
Thanks Craig - I hadn't heard of these Media Players - I've just ordered one.
Jon Sands
September 22nd, 2009, 03:48 AM
It's actually incredibly easy.
In final cut:
set your sequence in and out (obviously)
go to export> xdcam ex, selecting the appropriate settings
When you have the mp4 file that final cut exported, open up sonys clip browser. Click import at the top, and select that mp4. Clip browser will import the mp4, creating the proper BPAV folder structure wherever you tell it to, (or whatever folder you have active in clip browser at the time)
Simply copy that bpav folder to your sxs card and there you go
In Premiere:
You'll need a plugin for this one, but it's well worth it. (even if it is a tad expensive)
Purchase / download the trial of MainConcept: Information (
In premiere pro, simply go to export>Mainconcept
select the proper settings, then towards the bottom check "create xdcam ex file structure"
Then it will export the mp4 and create the proper BPAV folder structure, so you can export straight to your sxs card.
I don't have either NLE at my disposal at the moment so thats a really rough guide. Also, there might be a way to do so in premiere without the $400 plugin, I'll have to look around.