View Full Version : Where do P+S get their GG?

Steven Fokkinga
April 1st, 2005, 07:40 AM
Hi everyone,

Just a question, maybe it's already been asked...
Since so many people are talking about good groundglasses, what does the original mini35 (P+S) actually use? Do they make there own or do they get them supplied as well? In the latter case it might be worthwile to buy from that same supplier, provided that it's not too expensive... And do the mini35 and Pro35 use the same groundglass? I've noticed that the pro35 is also sometimes used with HD 2/3" cams like the F900 to get that DOF effect. In that case, the GG of the Pro35 should be pretty fine gritted to hold that HD rez...
For this community that's getting a more important question now that higer res camera's like the z1, and the upcoming jvc and pana are getting affordable.
Anyone has some input?


Radek Svoboda
April 2nd, 2005, 09:49 AM
I would like know how fine is grounding on P+S adapters. Is it something like 600 grade on Optosigna screens; is it finer?

Dan Diaconu
April 3rd, 2005, 10:43 AM
I do not know how fine the grit is on their GG , but having played with the mini35 on Z1 and seen the image on a 50" flat screen (live, not from tape), I can tell that while the GG is stationary, you can count the grain (if keen and patient) and while moving, it blends to itself and is not visible anymore.
Film has grain. Do we see it? Sometimes yes (grainy look) sometimes no. However, even when perceived as grainy, the pattern is RANDOM not stationary. Sure the finer the better, but that alone is not the whole solution (and... I walk my talk)

Steven Fokkinga
April 4th, 2005, 05:35 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Dan Diaconu : (and... I walk my talk) -->>>

I know you do, Dan. You have gotten some negative replies but I'd like to say I really appreciate what you've done. You've spend quite some time on this and you've taking this home-made business to a whole new level. I'm sorry you haven't got the enthousiasm you maybe expected when you put your final adapter out there, but I think it's just a bit out of people's league here pricewise (including me). But for the rest you've shared a great deal of info and I think some replies lately about you doing it only for profit are totally unjustified...

Keep the good work and the spirit going!
