View Full Version : time machine for sale
Richard Veil April 1st, 2005, 03:59 AM opening bid is hundred million billion dollars
but I must have a cashiers check and know what year you are in,
Oh also what planet ect
My tme machine weighs aboutt 1000 tons if you need it shipped.
Robbie Smolinsky April 1st, 2005, 08:14 AM Richard, are the special crystals included with this sale, or must they be bought seperately? Also, can you accept credit cards through Paypal, at that price, I really can't pay cash.... :P
Andrew Petrie April 1st, 2005, 08:57 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Robbie Smolinsky : Also, can you accept credit cards through Paypal, at that price, I really can't pay cash.... :P -->>>
Just do what I do with acting talent: 'Deferred payment'
Barry Lajnwand April 1st, 2005, 09:02 AM Does it go backwards AND forwards? A lot of the ones on eBay can only go backwards, is why I ask.
Jimmy McKenzie April 1st, 2005, 09:05 AM yes, but does it come with a lighting kit? Perhaps one on sale?
Dylan Couper April 1st, 2005, 09:11 AM dear sir
i am from toronto but currently now travlling in prague, and wish to buy your tim machin for sale. i have billion dollars to pay more for your price and will good faith send you all for this. we to use for safe on both our side. i send to them, money, yes then you send time mechin. escrow site check both, the send rest to each. i send you full 1 billion, and you to take shipp cost out as well as your price, and send rest back, in good faith. is good?
Adam Lubkin April 1st, 2005, 10:00 AM I am willing to pay one billion and one dollars. I am currently located in 2005. The money is in 2105.
Jim Sofranko April 1st, 2005, 10:00 AM NTSC or PAL?
Boyd Ostroff April 1st, 2005, 10:26 AM Hey Dylan, that link to isn't working. That's the place where I just sent the $20,000 to help the Nigerian Diplomat get his money into the US. Should I be worried?...
(this is all a lot of fun on April 1, but I'm gonna move it to Area 51)
John Sandel April 1st, 2005, 10:41 AM Mr. Veil---
Please be advised that I have paid you in full for this technology. You will not remember the sale date, as it occurred on November 3, 1869.
In fact, since you failed to deliver, I had agents of my employ raid your compound in a lightning strike during the Stock Market Crash of 1929 (nothing covers insurgent action like a general panic) and have had the full use of the machine in the years since. I have roved the centuries, drunk the wine of empires and dallied with the great courtesans of history.
One question: HOW DO I STOP THIS THING!?
I'm headed unwillingly into the distant future, where, thank gosh, my descendants and yours have reconcoiled our ancient retail dispute. But the future ain't what it was s'posed to be, and I want to return your machine. It works too well ...
Please contact me via ultraquantum hyperspatial quarkmail as soon as is practicable. Back in the 1st century BCE, Cleopatra's claiming she's preggers and I fear her goons will catch up to me by intermarrying with your ancestors. (What a mess.)
Keith Loh April 1st, 2005, 10:53 AM Richard,
I am interested.
But are you willing to break up the package?
George Ellis April 1st, 2005, 12:50 PM I am not interested unless it supports 24p.
Jeremy Davidson April 1st, 2005, 02:27 PM Is there a trial version of its software available for download? If so, does it only allow you to travel a maximum of 30 days into the future before purchasing the full version? Or perhaps you can only use it five times (better make sure you save that last trip to get home)?
When is v2.0 slated to be released?
Steve Witt April 4th, 2005, 10:58 AM They say time travel really could be possible, just not for any physical being because of the speed requirement. They say that by using "worm holes," which are theoretically small passages in the time continum, time travel can be accomplished. So think of the direction this is going in. It is possible, but we can never do it. Well I say what about the electronic information age. If nothing physical can travel through time, then what about an elctronic message. (an E-mail) I believe it is possible to send an e-mail today, back to a computer yesterday. The speed requirement is definely there. So if a terrible(preventable) tragedy happens to somone close to you, can send an e-mail back in time (to the day before) either to yourself or the person involved in the tragedy and corrective, preventive actions result in no tragedy. No Flux Capacitor needed. So the moral of this story is.....better check your freakin' emails.
Boyd Ostroff April 4th, 2005, 12:52 PM I don't know about a time machine, but a machine for interdimensional travel was supposedly developed a few miles from my home in the Jersey Pine Barrens:
John Sandel April 4th, 2005, 02:05 PM The April 2000 issue of Scientific American ran a report by Anton Zeilinger, at the Institute for Experimental Physics (Innsbruck), on his success in "teleporting" the entanglement information of photons. Here's a description, from Physics News 350, December 10, 1997
"QUANTUM TELEPORTATION has been experimentally demonstrated by physicists at the University of Innsbruck (Anton Zeilinger, anton.zeilinger @; Dik Bouwmeester,
"First proposed in 1993 by Charles Bennett of IBM, quantum teleportation allow physicists to take a photon (or any other quantum-scale particle, such as an atom), and transfer its properties (such as its polarization) to another photon---even if the two photons are on opposite sides of the galaxy.
"Note that this scheme transports the particle's properties to the remote location and not the particle itself. And as with Star Trek's Captain Kirk, whose body is destroyed at the teleporter and reconstructed at his destination, the state of the original photon must be destroyed to create an exact reconstruction at the other end.
"In the Innsbruck experiment, the researchers create a pair of photons A and B that are quantum mechanically 'entangled': the polarization of each photon is in a fuzzy, undetermined state, yet the two photons have a precisely defined interrelationship. If one photon is later measured to have, say, a horizontal polarization, then the other photon must "collapse" into the complementary state of vertical polarization. In the experiment, one of the entangled photons A arrives at an optical device at the exact time as a "message" photon M whose polarization state is to be teleported. These two photons enter a device where they become indistinguishable, thus effacing our knowledge of M's polarization (the equivalent of destroying Kirk).
"What the researchers have verified is that by ensuring that M's polarization is complementary to A's, then B's polarization would now have to assume the same value as M's. In other words, although M and B have never been in contact, B has been imprinted with M's polarization value, across the whole galaxy, instantaneously.
"This does not mean that faster-than-light information transfer has occurred. The people at the sending station must still convey the fact that teleportation had been successful by making a phone call or using some other light-speed or sub-light speed means of communication.
"While physicists don't foresee the possibility of teleporting large-scale objects like humans, this scheme will have uses in quantum computing and cryptography.---D. Bouwmeester et al., Nature, 11 Dec 1997; see also"
(Got all that? me neither)
Maybe if we can figure out teleportation (i.e., transmission of states of matter from A to B without crossing points in between), we can shock those particles out of their local time-frame. Einstein's predictions of frame-dragging have been largely borne out by recent experiments---maybe time's relative flow is sufficiently local/subjective that other timelines can be accessed.
Jimmy McKenzie April 4th, 2005, 06:31 PM ...and so go on the mysteries ... and only at area 51.
Rob Lohman April 5th, 2005, 04:02 AM John: the "problem" with that approach is that you need to
transport photons from A to B. These photons are "linked"
(through entanglement) together. They can then be transported
however far away and when the state of photon A changes
it will change the state of photon B as well.
I'm not sure if this can be repeated (I don't think so). Otherwise
you could have an instant communication device aboard a space
ship as long as you entangled the two sides before lift off.
John Sandel April 5th, 2005, 10:11 AM Rob, I have to admit you're right. The proof is in all these photons I've got tangled up in everything. They're under the couch, floating in the corners of the ceiling ...
I went to the hardware store yesterday and the cashiers were giggling because my underwear was glowing.
Now I know why Einstein stayed home!
Ralf Strandell April 6th, 2005, 10:00 AM I know a few people that I would like to send on a time travel. Are these time machines available gift wrapped? Do you offer any discount if I buy more than one time machine? I only need the value version that goes backwards in time only.
Laurence Maher May 27th, 2005, 07:50 AM Please man,
You're way behind the times. In 3048 they only cost $29.95 and weigh about the same as today's current mountain bikes. Where did you get this thing? You must have bought it used. Otherwise you would have already known what I just said. I'm assuming it's an older model, like year 2490 or something. It can probably only travel ahead say 50 years, yes? Seriously, dude, you got ripped off. My advice is take it back and wait until "Behind the Times" shops open up with the initial selections in the year 2013. By then they'll also have the age-eraser and you won't have to worry about making up lost years. Just my 2 cents.
John Sandel May 27th, 2005, 09:18 AM Laurence, thank you for your advice. Unfortunately, I'm writing this in your future, where your two cents harve devalued to ... well, I don't wanna say.
Maybe you should print out your post and mail it to your great-grandfather. If Ralf traveled far enough back in time, your two cents would have gained so much value you'd be considered a genius.
Doug Boze June 19th, 2005, 03:02 AM Time travel is an idea whose time has not yet come, but when it does, it'll be old news. Or as Yogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all over again!"