Brent Marks
March 31st, 2005, 11:34 PM
What options are there for capturing HDV onto PC format?
Besides Cineform's ConnectHD--- what else is there...?
And... how do you convert that raw HDV file into a more workable/editable file?
Steven Gotz
April 1st, 2005, 12:22 AM
Premiere Pro 1.5.1 will do it natively as Cineform AVI. Or you can buy the MainConcept plugin and capture M2T directly.
ConnectHD is for Vegas users.
And Canopus has a solution also.
Which NLE do you want to use. It makes a difference.
Brent Marks
April 1st, 2005, 12:36 AM
I own Vegas... is ConnectHD the only option?
Tell me about the MainConcept... is that standalone software?
Graham Hickling
April 1st, 2005, 01:16 AM
The Mainconcept option works as a plugin within PremierePro - it allows you to capture and edit (sluggishly) raw m2t, or you can re-encode it to any alternative codec that you have on your system.
It's not for Vegas, but - doesn't Vegas essentially come with those same features built in?.
Ron Evans
April 1st, 2005, 01:01 PM
capDVHS will capture just fine to a PC with less load than Edius or Adobe on the PC since these either NLE display a preview or do a realtime conversion.
Ron Evans
Brent Marks
April 1st, 2005, 01:39 PM
capDVHS will allow me to capture from my Sony HDR-FX1 camera??
Steve Crisdale
April 3rd, 2005, 04:16 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Brent Marks : capDVHS will allow me to capture from my Sony HDR-FX1 camera??
thanks -->>>
The advantage with ConnectHD is the CFHD format.
The problem with capturing m2t is that it's already been compressed once... Then after you edit and you save your work, it gets re-rendered again, compressing the compression.... Not such a good thing!!
The CFHD format is .avi based and uncompressed, so the only down side is it's large... but easy to edit, and reduces the compression of compression artifacts that editing native m2t can give...
I've tried capDVHS, and it's not a truly simple and easy tool for capturing from the FX-1, but it does work.
I'm hoping Sony will add capture in HDV mode to the timeline in Vegas... It's been a sadly lacking feature from my perspective.