View Full Version : BBC - Yellowstone

Paul Mailath
September 20th, 2009, 05:02 AM
I know the name, but that's about it. Until I watched the 1st part of this series tonight I had no idea how magnificient the area was. I'll be waiting for the next instalment but the credits went by too quickly to see who shot it.

was anybody here crazy enough to be out in yellowstone in winter? did anyone work on the series?

I have a new appreciation for those cameramen mad enough to do that sort of work, and I'm wondering how it feels to shoot something like that.

Steve Phillipps
September 20th, 2009, 06:04 AM
It was a nice series. Cameraman Paul Stewart had a lot to do with it, also John Aitchison, Shane Moore, those are the names I rmember from the credits (it was on here in the UK ages ago).
There is a guy who lives near Yellowstone, Bob landis, who spends virtually all his time there and made a nice film "In the Valley of the Wolves". Check out an interview with Bob here In the Valley of the Wolves - Podcast: Interview with Wildlife Cinematographer Bob Landis | Nature (
A friend of mine Stephen DeVere also shot some, but he's used to cold weather being the first guy to shoot the Emperor penguins in winter for the old BBC series Life in the Freezer!