Gary Glaser
March 25th, 2005, 08:27 AM
hello, i'm trying to make a vhs window dub from the hdr-fx1.
i can't get the time code to stay on the screen. it appears for a few seconds then dumps. is it possible to get the time code to remain visable? i have tried pushing display, data code, on both the cam & the remote. any ideas? thanks in advance. gary
Chris Hurd
March 26th, 2005, 09:48 AM
Hi Gary,
I don't have the FX1, but I do have a PDF copy of the manual. It looks like the time/date display procedures on playback are described on page 44. Have you tried those instructions?
Gary Glaser
March 26th, 2005, 10:08 AM
hi chris,
thanks for responding and taking time to look in the manual. i was aware of that info, but here's the problem. the timecode info does appear, but only for 5 seconds. it doesn't stay
displayed. this of course makes a window dub nearly impossible.
i do documentaries (, streaming clips in wmv.) and often get help with logging and transcription of interviews.
hence, the need for vhs dubs with t/c displayed.
if you (or anyone else) has a solution for this i would very much appreciate it. i love the camera but frankly am surprised that it may not have this capability (the gl1& 2, xl1, vx1000 all were capable).
thanks again,
Chris Hurd
March 26th, 2005, 10:18 AM
Hmmm. Surely there must be a way. Anybody else?