View Full Version : 3CCD tapeless cam coming- JVC!

Steve Nunez
March 23rd, 2005, 08:22 PM
Everio GZ-MC500E, sporting 3 CCDs and 4 GB of storage𙛑

It's coming folks- and not a moment too soon!

Love it!!!!!!!

Chris Hurd
March 23rd, 2005, 08:32 PM
Steve, check out this thread from last November:

Camcorders finally find hard drives (

Steve Nunez
March 23rd, 2005, 08:44 PM
Chris I'm an airhead- thanks for showing me that! I'm thrilled with this new direction (excpet the compression being applied- hopefully they'll go uncompressed or give us the option on the fly- that would be awesome!!!)

Thanks again Chris- you do a spetacular job wrangling this awesome resource!

Joe Carney
March 24th, 2005, 11:38 AM
There is a review of a 1.8" toshiba harddrive over at that also fits into
laptop pcmcia slots. Interesting read. Has enough througput to handle 19mbs.

Gary Bettan
March 25th, 2005, 06:45 AM
In usual JVC fashion - there is a catch. While the files are captured directly to the disk, they can't be edited by any of the current popular NLEs.


Steve Nunez
March 25th, 2005, 08:39 AM
Gary it ships with Windows video editing apps and for Mac users iMovie and FCP can edit the clips.

Gary Bettan
March 25th, 2005, 11:35 AM
At CES I spoke witht he JVC guys and the editing was clumsy at best. You couldn'y simply copy the files and edit. The format would not work in Premiere, Avid, Vegas or Edition.

I hope I'm wrong and this has changed.


Steve Nunez
March 25th, 2005, 06:01 PM
Gary I read a review and the author was an Apple user and he had no problems using the footage in Final Cut Pro......if I find the URL- I'll post it here.....but i'm pretty sure it's do-able!

Jos Svendsen
March 26th, 2005, 03:28 AM
JVC has decided in a moment of madness that the MPEG2 files on the microdrive should have the suffix .mod

And this is the real problem. The mod-files are very nice quality MPEG2.

If you just copy the files using a microdrive compatible cardreader, and renames the files to .MPG (or whatever your NLE fancies), then you can edit them with no problems.

Hovever the sound is 2 channel AC-3, and this gives problems in most NLE's. I ended up converting the files in Procoder, as I could not get Vegas to understand AC-3.

Jesse Bekas
March 27th, 2005, 12:21 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Jos Svendsen :
Hovever the sound is 2 channel AC-3, and this gives problems in most NLE's. I ended up converting the files in Procoder, as I could not get Vegas to understand AC-3. -->>>

Wouldn't the AC-3 plug-in take care of that?

Jos Svendsen
March 27th, 2005, 06:10 AM
No; the AC3-plugin is for encoding only. In order to playback AC3 you have to have decoding software and a license from dolby. Veges does not have that.

However most applications with build in DVD-playback do. This means apps like DVD-architect, DVD-workshop etc etc.
Even Pinnacle Studio 9+ will play the file.

So it is no problems using the files in a DVD-application, but if you want to edit the video in a NLE as Vegas, Premiere or FCP, then you have to convert the files due to AC3.