View Full Version : Must-have add-ons for GL2

Georg Herbet
March 23rd, 2005, 10:10 AM
I wanted an XL2 but bowed to my constrained finances and got a GL2.

What add-ons for the GL2 are must-haves, in your opinion?


Alex Beaupre
March 23rd, 2005, 02:53 PM
I am not sure what you are using your camera for, but for me my century optics .3x fisheye is a must. I am sure that many would say XLR adaptors and a good mic kit of some sort.

Alex B

Graham Bernard
March 23rd, 2005, 04:23 PM
Fish-eye? Nope, disagree completely. Save the money for something else.

But yes, I DO agree with asking WHAT Georg wpu;d be using iot for .. oh yes! Plus where do you see yourself going with videography in the next 6 months Year or 3 years?

BUT, if you're gonna push me? A damn fine tripod!


Georg Herbet
March 23rd, 2005, 07:16 PM
I have the damn fine tripod, thanks.

What I'll be doing: low-budget (read: no budget) family flicks. I just don't have time for anything else right now.

Graham Bernard
March 24th, 2005, 12:33 AM

Ok, family stuff eh? For me this Spells out SMALL rooms and maybe people in interesting LARGE spaces/places. So, get the Canon WD-58H wide-angle adapter - this'll get your family in those "tight spaces" AND also see them in large spaces and places that just might not get into the field of view. Other than that, you might wanna consider a mic that you can stick under somebody's nose to get that valuable "comment" from a little Jane or John on the size of uncle Fred's nose! Yes, you can push the boat out and go down the audio adaptor route, but I'd investigate WHAT mic with the right jack end to plug into the mic IN socket. Lighting? Well, for real cheap and very near shooting then the economic VL3 - 3 watt - Canon lamp you just slide into the hot shoe. However this IS for very very close work - not more than 4 feet - yeah? But for the price and the AUTO on and off it is just about worth it!

So, budget and usefulness, I'd think:

* Canon WD-58H wide-angle adapter

* A mic for the mic-in port

* VL-3 lamp

Other than that, get to shoot Manual as soon as you feel secure enough to do so. Auto is excellent esp. for those moving targets - little human critters! But definitely use and experiment with manual white balance - it'll prepare you for shooting in low light, which this camera needs ALL the help it can get. PLUS Manual focus too!

All in all, I'd try to make the "best" family videos you can. Make them so that they are well shot and then edited with a truly Hollywood feel. YES! S t r e t c h yourself. Make it your mission to make family movies that people wanna see AND see again! And part of this is preparing your camera, yes, but it is about preparing your own camera skills too. Bottom line here is that the viewer should NOT see the camera work - they should just see and enjoy the narrative of the work . . . . .

.. oh yes! Have fun! No accessory available for that :)


Georg Herbet
March 24th, 2005, 10:03 AM
Thanks, Graham.

There are lots of mic choices out there. Which one should I look at?

I'd like to go wireless, if possible.

Even if I don't, I want to get the mic close to the subjects.

I'm a studio still photographer, so I know something about lighting.

Advil Dremali
March 24th, 2005, 07:34 PM
Bp-945 battery! I had one in my xl2 and I loved it. Very long lifespan so, make sure you get one!.

K. Forman
March 24th, 2005, 07:43 PM
Several GOOD batteries, or a bunch of cheapos... And an extra charger?
WD 58H, skip the cheapos
A good shotgun, I have the ATR55
And you say you have a good tripod? I have the Bogen 501, and it just isn't smooth enough.

A nice telephoto lens could be really helpful, for those looooong shots. You might also look into using backdrops, which you might already have, being into photography. And lastly, an on-cam soft light.

Patrick Smith
March 27th, 2005, 09:54 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Graham Bernard :

* Canon WD-58H wide-angle adapter

* A mic for the mic-in port

* VL-3 lamp -->>>

yup. Good Idea.

Chris Hurd
March 28th, 2005, 06:07 AM
Here's my list... Top Five Canon GL2 Accessories (