View Full Version : Build your own Marzpak?

Albert Wong
March 23rd, 2005, 01:00 AM
Hello, gang --

I am full on in gear acquisition/build mode.

Now, this might be crazy, but...

... I was thinking about getting one of these Marzpak things -- I love the concept -- but then, I was also thinking about building my own.

See, I have my own pretty sturdy backpack, with wraparound waistband and all (Karrimor -- top-of-the-line British stuff). And I thought that the design of the Marzpak looks simple enough that I could do it myself... for cheap...

With the added benefit that if I were ever to do some real one-person backpacking documentary stuff, then I would not need to carry an extra rig. But I could actually just carry my backpack, and a couple of tubes of PVC (that would also double as my monopod/boom :-)) and a bungee cord -- and away we go... :-) anyhow...

Has anyone else tried to build this thing?

Isn't it just a bungee cord threaded through some PVC tubing, that is strapped (really well) to a really solid backpack system?

Does anybody who actually own this -- or seen it in action -- think that a DIY version is possible? Or am I just out of my mind (again) :-)?


Jim Quinlan
March 23rd, 2005, 10:17 AM
Allbert, I built my own marzpak style rig and it's as good as the one's you buy commercially. I used a $25.00 external framed backpack I got cheaply on ebay.

The hardest part was finding the arm that extended out over my head that the bungee cord is threaded through. While wandering our local Home Depot, I found one of those things you attach to a wall that holds a television with the swing out arm. I got it for about $8.00 since it was missing pieces and in the clearance bin. Since I only needed the heavy duty curved pipes (arm) it was a great deal. I threaded some thumb screws in one of the pipes and now it's adjustable.

Finally, I bought a rachet type device that holds the bungee cord and allows you to pull the cord through it to adjust the length (boaters world).

Good luck with your project.

Albert Wong
March 24th, 2005, 01:32 AM
Jim -- that is absolutely cool. :-)

Cool idea with the TV pipe...

For myself, I was thinking of just using PVC pipe all the way around -- and designing it so that it would look kind of like a giant upside down fishhook -- rather than an upside down letter "L" -- (I think the stress on the joints will be a bit more spread out) and then tying/clamping the the straight part of it tightly to the backpack frame.

Do you think that will work?

The ratchet is a great idea also -- I had not thought of that. Brilliant.

Thanks for the inspiration to proceed. :-)


Alex Filacchione
March 31st, 2005, 11:39 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Jim Quinlan : Allbert, I built my own marzpak style rig and it's as good as the one's you buy commercially. I used a $25.00 external framed backpack I got cheaply on ebay. -->>>

I think we would love to see some pictures... :-)


Alex F

Jim Quinlan
April 3rd, 2005, 08:27 PM
Here's a few rushed pictures. Sorry one of them is blurry.

The extra shock cord that's wrapped around the back should be trimmed but I never got around to it.