View Full Version : Sound Forge for DVD Project

Brad Scott
March 22nd, 2005, 07:26 AM

I'm starting my first DVD project and am looking for help or tutorials for preparing good audio. I know about the Normalize and Wave Hammer features, but not enough to effectively use them. For instance, when I open the Normalize or Wave Hammer window, I'm lost as to which settings to use in order to maximize my sound quality.

Can anyone help or point me to tutorials on the Web that cover the basic steps in preparing audio for a DVD project?

Thank you

Douglas Spotted Eagle
March 22nd, 2005, 07:52 AM
There is no tutorial, but Jeffrey Fisher covers it in his "Instant Forge" and "Instant Surround Sound" books.
Basically, start with the Mastering presets if it's your final output. You'll want to listen very carefully as you work with it. A tip...
Step out of the room while playing it back with WaveHammer (or any other plug) enabled, so that you are listening from outside the door, around the corner. Any imbalances, problems with the compression, gross EQ issues....they'll all be fairly apparent if you do this. Goofy trick, but one I learned from Alan Parsons. It works, and works very well.

K. Forman
March 22nd, 2005, 08:38 AM
I feel your pain (And confusion!) Brad... The nice thing about S.F. is, that it doesn't change the original file, so that you can keep at it until you get it right.

I would suggest making friends with someone who has a studio, and watch them work. Ask them why they did that, and what it does. Hopefully, it will start to sink in, and you can do it yourself. On of my life rules is, "If you don't know what you are doing, know someone who does." ;)