View Full Version : Battery System for NanoFlash

Bob Griffiths
September 19th, 2009, 10:15 AM
Hi all:

I've been using Nebtek battery adaptors for my Wolf Seeberg/Nebtek video assist system for about a year and I'm thrilled with how it works. I'm wondering if a Hirose adapted version of the same system might work as well with the NanoFlash or even the XDR. See it here: Nebtek: Product Detail (

It converts 7.2v to 12v... which seems unnecessary with the Nano but I am unaware of any disadvantage to that. I am also unaware of a plain Sony L battery holder with a pigtail that could have a Hirose mounted on it.



Dan Keaton
September 19th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Dear Bob,

The NEBTEK battery adapters can be modifed to provide a 4-Pin Female Hirose connector for the nanoFlash.

We are building our own L-Series battery cradle for the nanoFlash.

The power requirements of the Flash XDR are higher, over 13 watts.

I do not know, at this time, if the NEBTEK adapter can provide that much power.

A standard 7.2 to 8.4 Volt battery is more efficient, for our recorders, than higher voltages.

Bob Griffiths
September 21st, 2009, 04:30 PM
The power requirements of the Flash XDR are higher, over 13 watts.I do not know, at this time, if the NEBTEK adapter can provide that much power.

they rate draw at 1.2 amps if i remember correctly.

I will wait for your L series sled. Timeframe?

Thanks, Dan! Closer & closer to buying... I need to get a major job done first.