Chris Staab
March 18th, 2005, 05:52 PM
To all who were interested the first go round, I have updated my "original programs" section with clips from each show. Again, all the footage is Canon XL series (both XL1 & XL2) I'd start with the Beauties of the Beach clip!! :)
I love Hawaii !!! Feedback is always welcome, so is criticism. I want this site to be top notch, and I put a lot of stock into comments from members on this site. Thank you.
Greg Boston
March 22nd, 2005, 12:40 AM
Nice work Chris! Would you share what you use to create the title graphic for Hawaii Dream Date. Specifically, the ending title.
Jimmy McKenzie
March 22nd, 2005, 05:46 AM
Nice work ... For whatever reason, Flash is a program I have avoided ... most of my interactive work is done in director. The beach layer at the bottom of the main screen is superb.
As for the main screen when it is in neutral, the bunny ears out of range for the analog signal snow effect is a bit too contrasty and disruptive for me ... perhaps a cycling opacity of your logo similar to Balthasar from years ago...?
Just my 2 cents...
Chris Staab
March 22nd, 2005, 01:14 PM
Greg, As far as the graphics friend owns his own company (Hyperspective Studios). I produce, shoot and edit. He adds the killer graphics. I know he uses numerous programs (i.e. after effects, photoshop, etc.) I just don't know which ones he uses for which graphics. I wish i could be more help!
Jimmy, thanks for the feedback. I am not familiar with Balthasar, but would love to see what you are referring to. Any links I should check?? Again, thank you for the suggestion!
Jimmy McKenzie
March 22nd, 2005, 08:01 PM
Here it is :
Perhaps there is no specific relation to the aforementioned, but it is interesting nonetheless. Go to the site, press f11 on your keyboard, shut off all the lights and turn up your speakers....
It's still cool even 5 years later...