View Full Version : How to edit divx files?

October 5th, 2002, 04:07 PM
Hi, I need to edit in two clips from The Royal Tenenbaums for a presentation. I have the DVD, but obviously, cannot edit it. (The two scenes I need btw is the clip where Royal tells the kids about Pagoda stabbing him in the Bazarre in Calcoda, and the clip where Pagoda comes out and stabs Royal after he is kicked out of the house, proclaiming "sonovabitch"). Anyhoo, I downloaded the movie to edit only the clips, but now I discovered that I can't edit divx in conventional editing programs. Does anyone know of any editing programs that I could use to edit this? Thanks!


Barry Goyette
October 5th, 2002, 06:27 PM
First of all, shame on you for duplicating copyrighted material, its a sin. Second of all, I have been able to get some downloaded divx material into FCP by converting them with Divx Doctor...available free on the web...I think It's tricky and you might have to try a few different approaches to get it to work...but I have had success before...although I can't remember how.

October 6th, 2002, 10:20 PM
I was able to do it using a program called VirtualDub. The program you reccommended was mac-only, but thanks for the suggestion!