David Delaney
September 18th, 2009, 05:37 PM
I am trying to adjust some of the background themes from ARCH, but the graphic editor in the program leaves a lot to be desired. I want to bring it into PS, but they are .thm extension and won't open there. Any ideas?
Mike Kujbida
September 18th, 2009, 06:59 PM
The following paths are for XP Pro.
Not sure about Vista.
DVDA 4.0:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserNamer\Application Data\Sony\DVD Architect\4.0\Themes
DVDA 4.5:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserNamer\Application Data\Sony\DVD Architect Pro\4.5\Themes
DVDA 5.0:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserNamer\Application Data\Sony\DVD Architect Pro\5.0\Themes
Open up any of the folders and you'll have access to all the images used in a particular theme.
Peter Wright
September 18th, 2009, 10:06 PM
If you first create exactly the background you want in your Paint program, this can be imported into DVDA then saved as a Theme for future use.