View Full Version : Media Manager 'Copy' function question

Elmer Lang
March 17th, 2005, 11:17 AM

I want to use Media Manager to copy a sequence to another hard drive without the unused footage.

In the 'Media' box I chose 'Copy', but am uncertain about checking 'Delete unused media from duplicated sequence.'

Will this delete the unused media off a drive or just not include it in the new sequence, so leaving that media intact on the other hard drive as I want?

elmer lang

Dean Sensui
March 17th, 2005, 07:05 PM

With "Delete unused media" check "on" you'll get a copy of just the used portions of the media. The original media stays on the hard drive.

Be aware, however, that when you open up that particular project again, it MIGHT end up connecting to the wrong media files inadvertently, especially if the new media files have names identical to the original media files. That happened to me and the results were unpredictable.

Not sure what it would take to absolutely avoid this problem, unforunately.

Elmer Lang
March 17th, 2005, 09:02 PM
Thanks, Dean,

It's important to me (biz n all).

I hope copying the project and moving media to another drive will give me my best shot for success.


Elmer Lang
March 20th, 2005, 09:36 AM

Someone said I needed to make the clips independent before runnning Media Manager. (modify>make sequence clips independent)

Maybe that's FCP 4, but I'm using FCP 3, and I don't see that option in 'Modify'.

What are my options?

elmer lang