View Full Version : Kessler Crane

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Michael Best
March 17th, 2005, 07:02 AM
Has anybody used one of these?

Alan Galbraith
May 17th, 2005, 10:11 AM
Havent used it... but have one on order... will let ya'll know my impresssions once I get it all set up.

Will be using it on a shoot next monday.

Dean Harrington
May 19th, 2005, 05:07 PM
seems like a sturdy piece of equipment. What's the price?

Kevin Penhorwood
May 19th, 2005, 05:11 PM
Good post, I am considering one myself. I emailed and asked some questions and they returned my emails very quickly. I wish you could order directly from their website though!!

Alan Galbraith
May 19th, 2005, 05:12 PM
OTD mine was $450 ish...

I upgraded... I got it painted and with the ball bearing option.

should be at my door on Friday.

Michael Best
May 20th, 2005, 05:45 AM
They are a little backed up right now, the 12 footer is up to $589 now w/shipping. When I first inquired they were $450 out the door but they
have made some improvements evidently to stiffen some things up.
I ordered now as they said the price would be going up again. They
don't seem to be getting any complaints but we'll find out.

Alan Galbraith
May 20th, 2005, 03:42 PM
oh, oh oh.... its here... UPS says "Delivered" to my home !!!

cant wait to get there and set it up.

*rocking back and forth while editing....*

Kevin Penhorwood
May 20th, 2005, 04:57 PM
Okay Alan, I am anxiously awaiting your review of the crane, be sure to let us know what you think!!!

Alan Galbraith
May 21st, 2005, 10:51 AM
well shoot...

I posted a short write up.. but I guess it didnt take..

anyway... I like the crane.

well made, easy to set up.

it seems to handle the weight of my DV500 fine. It gets a little bit of shake at the end of a movement, but I suspect thats more a problem with the operator than the crane :rolleyes:. Prolly just need some practice.

the manual tilt feature works nice, although it seemed easier to use with the tripod head tilt handle than the crane handle. Doing a move with a tilt and crane is pretty complex, and take some practice.

I think I like the idea of EZFX's FX handle better than a manual tilt feature... but this is tons cheaper, so I'll make due.

its scary hanging yer camera waaaaay out there. If one thing fails, it allll comes crashing down. I re-checked all the fasteners about 10 billion times during my little test session.

will take some pics of the crane this weekend.

Kevin Penhorwood
May 22nd, 2005, 02:36 PM
Thanks for the info Alan, I am glad to hear that it is a good crane. BTW did you order the 8 foot or the 12 foot?

Alan Galbraith
May 24th, 2005, 09:24 AM
8 foot version

will take some pics tonight.

Pretty happy with it.

Michael Best
June 1st, 2005, 05:49 AM
Just got the 12 ft. last night and I was definitely impressed but keep in mind I've never used one before. The shots these things can get blows me away.
Someone else mentioned the ability to lock the camera down from a tilt standpoint and I agree with that as it can be very difficult to hold the in a
continuous horizontal position while operatin the boom. I suppose you could
just tighten down the basket for a particular shot but haven't tried it yet.
I got no bending, wavering or anything. It's on a Bogen 3066 head, the larger
plate I'm sure helps.

Alan Galbraith
June 1st, 2005, 07:02 AM
still no pics.... been busy shooting.

havent used the crane yet, I need to make a dolly so I can move the crane around.

Thats one downside to the whole rig, its pretty set in place.

I'll make a pneumatic tire dolly so I can put the crane set up on it, and just pull it around.

Eric Holloway
June 1st, 2005, 10:39 AM
I purchased the 8' kessler crane and i'm pretty happy with it. It would be nice to be able to lock it in position so you don't have to hold it in any one position, so i think i might mod it a little bit. The handle for the manual tilt is just a metal bar and very uncomfortable. I might try to but some sort of soft rubber grip on it. I also bought a bescor motorized pan/tilt head and I was surprised on how nice it was for the price. I bought a lanc extension cable, video extension cable, and the bescor extension cable. I still need to get a monitor but for now i'll just use my laptop to see the video.

I doubt I'll be using it at weddings but maybe for the establishing shots.


Michael Best
June 1st, 2005, 11:30 AM
Eric - what camera are you using? Is your Bescor plastic or metal? I purchased a motorized pan/tilt from another company but it's not sturdy enough and I'm worried about a metal pan/tilt and the camera being too much weight. A while back to get by, I bought one of those 5" crt's from K-mart I think it was, black & white, can velcro it to anything, built a shroud out of galvanized to block the sun and it actually worked quite well for framing, critical focus no, but really not that bad, better than most lcd's and it cost $29. I need the long LANC cable, where did you get that or is it standard cabling? Thanks!

Eric Holloway
June 1st, 2005, 12:25 PM
Michael, for the crane i use a Canon GL2 or an XL1... But my XL1 is too heavy for the motorized pan/tilt head. Hmmm, plastic or metal... Good question, I don't remember... I just bought it and i'm pretty happy with it for the GL2. At slow speeds, you don't hear the motor but I wouldn't count on using the audio from the cam mounted on it.

You can buy a lanc cable from B&H.

As for the monitor, i'd like to get a color lcd for around $250 eventually but for now, i'll stick with my laptop or a small 13" tv.


Michael Best
June 1st, 2005, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the links!

Michael Best
June 2nd, 2005, 05:46 AM
Eric, on the tilt arm there is a hole that can take a screw to being attached to the tripod plate, doesn't this lock the camera down at a position parallel to the ground? Last night I had some troubles with the three sections of the tilt arm, the first section where it attachs to the second section tends to buckle when motion is initiated, did you experience this? It seems like the pictures show the first section screwed into the tripod plate area but this locks the tilt arm done to one position.

Alan Galbraith
June 2nd, 2005, 01:42 PM

Kevin Penhorwood
June 3rd, 2005, 05:16 AM

That looks pretty good! Quick question, how many lbs of weight did you have to use to balance your camera. From the pictures it looks like a lot, but I couldn't tell what size weights you were using. Just curious.

Eric Holloway
June 3rd, 2005, 10:43 AM

Did the handle on your manual pan arm come with the crane?


Alan Galbraith
June 3rd, 2005, 10:47 AM
Yep, the handle came with the crane.

cant recall how much weight right off the top....


I think its a...



will count when I get home.

Alan Galbraith
June 3rd, 2005, 10:51 AM
I've found that using the heads tilt arm is easier and smoother than the manual arm on the crane. YMMV.

The rig will get a work out this weekend.

Shoot Sat. and sunday at race tracks.

Sat. shooting a motocycle trackday, Sunday vintage car races.

Will put together a little demo of the crane footage.

I plan on pulling the crane around the pits on the dolly to get all the crane shots for each car, then tearing it all down, and going back with a tripod and handheld for the C.U. and interview shots.

Seems to me it will be easier than rigging and de-rigging the crane for ever 10 feet and 10 minutes I move in the pits.

We'll see.

will report back.

Kevin Penhorwood
June 3rd, 2005, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the info Alan, that really isn't too bad for the weights. In the picture it looked like alot more. I'll be interested to see some of the footage you shoot this weekend.

Eniola Akintoye
July 11th, 2005, 04:01 AM
When are you going to post clips you shot using the crane?

Alan Galbraith
July 11th, 2005, 09:16 AM
already did... will have to find where, I think in the "DV for the Masses" thread, there was a cross post in this forum as well... I think...

Alan Galbraith
July 11th, 2005, 09:18 AM
here it is...

Abel Vang
January 19th, 2006, 06:55 PM
i saw the cranes on this website and they seem very good for its price....have anyone used their products before? The video of the cranes look pretty good too.

Rob Mitchell
January 24th, 2006, 12:31 PM
Hi Abel,
I just took delivery of the 8ft Kessler Crane 2 days ago and am reaally impressed. I like the fact that the crane has 2 side by side arms or boom. Some only have one arm whcih looks like it would make the camera add torque or twist to the rig. Although I've only had a short time to play with it, I've had unbelievably smooth pans and tilts. To really test it, I mounted the tripod on a dolly and was blown away with the shots that I could get.

The tilts are smooth as silk. The key seems to be balancing the weights and camera perfectly. You will then find you can come to a perfect stop without jiggle. As I read on this forum before - don't mount this rig to an expensive fluid head tripod. It puts a lot of weight on the head. I needed 23.5 pounds of weights to balance a Canon XL2 and Panasoic monitor. So, add that to the camera weight, about 8 pounds and the weight of the crane, I think 14 pounds and that is a lot of strain on the head. I'm using an old Bogen 3063 video head and haven't had a problem.

I'd definitely reccommend it.

Alan Galbraith
January 25th, 2006, 04:21 PM
I love mine.

here's pics...

Here's footage -

worth the $.

William Gardner
January 25th, 2006, 05:52 PM
Rob, Alan, and others,

Thanks for your opinions on this crane. I'm thinking of getting one, but I'm stumped as to how to support the thing. As Rob says, with 20+ pounds + camera + crane, the thing seems like it weighs nearly 50 lbs.

A quick search through the Bogen tripods section at B&H shows no tripod/head combo rated for this large of a weight. Most are rated between 10ish and 30ish pounds. Are they just being cautious? Can you really put 50ish pounds on these things without a problem?

Can you guys say specifically what head/tripod you're using? And what you'd recommend if you were getting something now?

Thanks in advance for any advice,

Alan Galbraith
January 27th, 2006, 02:48 PM
head - libec H50
legs - libec t58

seem to work just fine with the full load

Stan Rimer
July 6th, 2006, 11:08 PM
For those interested, I'm just starting a feature film using HD in Las Vegas (see treatment ). Our production is considering placing an order for the Kessler 12' crane in the next day or so for $635.. Kessler says they will have the 4' extension to make a 16' by the end of next month for a upgrade cost of $250. that includes a heavier cable and weight bar. Everything compatible with the 12' crane. Many shots will require a smaller crane of this nature and some possibly up to 30'. After researching and visiting about 80 websites, the Kessler Crane seems to be the best constructed camera crane with easy assembly at it's price level. I found a company in Germany called ABC Products that have 20-30' cranes built of titanium and unique cabling systems - shipping and customs may cost a bundle - still checking.

Any one with good tips on wheels, tracks and techniques you've come up with for this crane I'm interested in hearing your input. Stan Rimer

David Cervenka
July 7th, 2006, 04:14 AM
Our production is considering placing an order for the Kessler 12' crane in the next day or so for $635..

Hi Stan - You may want to give Eric at Kessler Cranes a call and double check the availability of the 12 footers.. I purchased a 12' from him last week and it sounded like it was the last one they had in stock.

Webb Pickersgill
July 7th, 2006, 12:44 PM
The website says that the 12' are backordered till July 14th.

Stan Rimer
July 7th, 2006, 04:23 PM
Hi David, had a talk with Eric yesterday, they have 25 more ready for powder coat by today, and will be available next week - I'm all over this crane.

Steve Madsen
July 24th, 2006, 03:57 PM
I'm toing and froing at the moment between saving a buck by getting this combo...

Bogen 3190 legs / 3198 cine/video deluxe dolly

Or spending more and getting this combo...

Cartoni A302 legs / C491 lightweight dolly

Has anyone had experience with either setup supporting a crane?

If the Bogen dolly only works with spiked feet that's a bit of a turn off for me. It's also rated at only 44lbs (mid level spreader increases this?), though the Kessler guys say it works fine with the 12 foot crane. What's deal with these spiked feet tripods anyway...are they retractable?

The cartoni setup is more expensive (big price difference between dollies, and I'm balking at that), though is rated at 110lbs, apparently future proofing me. It's also lighter, which is a real bonus for a one man show.

Any help would be much appreciated...



Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2006, 05:00 PM

I'm kind of new to the indie film industry, so I cant give you to much info.
I recommend looking at ebay. I was just looking there abnd you can get some really good deals on camera dollys like this one.

As for attaching a crane to one, I don't know. You could always ask the seller and see if they now. Hope I was of help,


Steve Madsen
July 25th, 2006, 05:08 AM
Gabriel - magic, thank you. That was just the tip I was looking for (damn, $8.50!!? A bit cheaper than the $500 for the Cartoni dolly)

Seri Al-Najjar
July 28th, 2007, 12:27 PM
Hi everyone, hopefully a quick and simple question for someone that's already done this.

I received my Kessler crane yesterday and I've just put it together to get some practice in, but now I'm stumped.

As part of the package I purchased it came with the vertical brake, but the parts I have look next to nothing like they do in the instructions and I can't work out where the heck it goes.

Can anyone offer any assistance?



Joseph Hutson
July 29th, 2007, 05:33 PM
If you will quit using "heck" on this site I will!


Joseph Hutson
July 29th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Hey, I am about to buy a Kessler.
Am I missing anything that I might need to buy or do I need to exchange anything that I shouldn't get.

I have a couple of Hvr-Z1U's and need a crane for one of them.

LANC $179

Crane Package $789

Tripod $269

Dolly $189

Motorized Head $129

Eric Shepherd
July 29th, 2007, 07:25 PM
Do you have a monitor? :)

Simon Heymans
July 30th, 2007, 04:32 AM
I think you would need a kessler swivel to attach your crane to the tripod. I'ts not included in the package.
I am not sure that the motorized head is strong enough for your camera, needs to be checked.

Seri Al-Najjar
July 30th, 2007, 09:48 AM
Thanks Joseph... consider it a deal... but do I have to stop using ellipses too...? ;)

-- edit ---
Hmmm, out of curiosity, I just did a search through every posting I've made and discovered I'd only used the word once before on this forum. So I'm curious, and I know it's completely off topic, but do some people find the word offensive? Would be a handy thing for me to know seeing as I use the word quiet a lot as an assumed "safe" word.

Joseph Hutson
July 30th, 2007, 11:21 AM
H--k is a form of H--L


Buba Kastorski
July 30th, 2007, 07:31 PM
Just as an option look at the ProArm, for you cuz you're in US the DVC250 package will be under $1000, am really happy for the money I've spent

Allen Williams
July 30th, 2007, 09:30 PM
[QUOTE=Joseph Hutson;720404]Hey, I am about to buy a Kessler.
Am I missing anything that I might need to buy or do I need to exchange anything that I shouldn't get.

Here is a list of items that you may find necessary for the jib operation.
Counter balance Weights
Monitor, monitor stand
wiring to make wiring harness and
straps to attach the harness to the jib
electric multi strip connection for indoor connection and
batteries for outdoor use.
Headphones if you're using a camera mounted mic system.

For added safety you might want to consider Bogen super clamps if you intend to elevate the tripod.
One advantage of using a jib is the ultra smooth shots
I would be a little leary of non variable speed zoom controls and push buttons for focus. It seems to me this might make the camera movements look robotic.

The Camera Turret PT-20 is made for smooth camera movements while rotating the jib.
A little pricy but you get what you pay for.

I hope this helps.
Allen W

John M. McCloskey
August 13th, 2007, 09:00 AM
Would a gitzo 1380 75mm ball head and a gitzo mountaineer 75mm tripod support a 8ft Kessler Crane with a Sony Z1. Just making sure. THX

Rodrigo Gil Medina
August 13th, 2007, 10:18 PM
Hola John!

I have a Kessler Crane, the 12 feet one, and I use it on this tripod:

I know that it's not an optimal setup, but that's the tripod I have. I have recently purchased the swivel head and I'll be buying this month some libec tripod legs to upgrade it. I don't know the capacity of your Gitzo tripod, but you can do a comparison with the link I sent you. As I told you, mine is not an optimal setup, but it works.